They lost their surprise bonus, used to be they could only gets surprised on a roll of 1 on a D6, but surprised others on a 1-3, major advantage to the party.
They also used to get two D8 hit die for their first level, and got a mix of Druidic and Mage spells from level 8 onwards. However in 1ED they didn't get hide in shadows, so the nerfing reference is just a personal thing, not a major deal, but as invisibility spells were common place I found what was taken away had more impact than what was given.
Another difference is minimum stat requirements, it used to be 13 strength and intelligence, 14 wisdom and constitution.
Another big difference between 1ED and 2ED is half-orcs were a playable race in the first but not the second, Bioware apparently didn't get the memo!
I have 2ED on CD I remembered this morning, it's available from Amazon, but the price!!! ... 0786915439
At least I know know if I'm ever strapped for cash I can sell my copy, that's like a ten fold increase over what I paid.
What I missed yesterday (from 2ED):
19 +3/+7
20 +3/+8
21 +4/+9
22 +4/+10
23 +5/+11
24 +6/+12
25 +7/+14
Intelligence, once you reach 19 you start gaining immunity to Illusion spells 1st level @ 19 up to 7th level at 25
Wisdom magical defence adjustment/bonus spell/immunities
19 +4 1st, 3rd Immune to cause fear, charm person,
command, friends, hypnotism
20 +4 2nd, 4th Immune to forget, hold person, ray of
enfeeblement, scare
21 +4 3rd, 5th Immune to fear
22 +4 4th, 5th Immune to charm monster, confusion,
emotion, fumble, suggestion
23 +4 1st, 6th Immune to chaos, feeblemind, hold
monster, magic jar, quest
24 +4 5th, 6th Immune to geas, mass suggestion, rod of
25+4 6th, 7th Immune to antipathy/sympathy, death
spell, mass charm
Constitution HP bonus/System Shock Survival/Resurrection survival/poison saving throw bonus/Regeneration
19 +2 (+5) 99% 100% +1 Nil
20 +2 (+5) 99% 100% +1 1/6 turns
21 +2 (+6) 99% 100% +2 1/5 turns
22 +2 (+6) 99% 100% +2 1/4 turns
23 +2 (+6) 99% 100% +3 1/3 turns
24 +2 (+7) 99% 100% +3 1/2 turns
25 +2 (+7) 100% 100% +4 1/1 turn