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Editing Clans

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 7:04 am
by GawainBS
I edited the clandata.txt file to change the appearance of my character from Tremere to Ventrue.
Can I also use this method to change the available Disciplines? I changed "Auspex" into "Obfuscate", but that didn't change anything at character creation.
Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance!

Below the Tremere extract from my clandata-file:
"TemplateName" "Player_Tremere"
"Name" "Tremere"
"Description" "Blood sorcerers born from mystic rituals and diablerie, the Tremere are the least trusted of the Camarilla clans. The ritual the Tremere used to transform from living mages into undying monsters stripped them of their magic arts. To compensate, the vampires of Clan Tremere developed Thaumaturgy, the powerful Discipline of blood magic. The clan guards its secrets jealously and are the only Kindred to wield this powerful Discipline. The pursuit of arcane knowledge comes before all else, and the reliance upon it has weakened the bloodline. Tremere can raise no Physical Attribute above four points." // changed by wesp
"ShortDescription" "Advantage: Thaumaturgy. Level 1 Dominate in dialogue." // changed by wesp
"ShortPenaltyDescription" "Penalty: Can raise no Physical Attribute above 4."

"Clan" "Tremere"
"M_Body0" "models/character/pc/male/tremere/armor0/tremere_Male_Armor_0.mdl"
"M_Body1" "models/character/pc/male/tremere/armor1/tremere_Male_Armor_1.mdl"
"M_Body2" "models/character/pc/male/tremere/armor2/tremere_Male_Armor_2.mdl"
"M_Body3" "models/character/pc/male/tremere/armor3/tremere_Male_Armor_3.mdl"
"M_Body4" "models/character/pc/male/tremere/armor3/tremere_Male_Armor_3.mdl"
"M_Body5" "models/character/pc/male/tremere/armor3/tremere_Male_Armor_3.mdl"
"F_Body0" "models/character/pc/female/ventrue/armor0/ventrue_Female_Armor_0.mdl"
"F_Body1" "models/character/pc/female/ventrue/armor1/ventrue_Female_Armor_1.mdl"
"F_Body2" "models/character/pc/female/ventrue/armor2/ventrue_Female_Armor_2.mdl"
"F_Body3" "models/character/pc/female/ventrue/armor3/ventrue_Female_Armor_3.mdl"
"F_Body4" "models/character/pc/female/ventrue/armor3/ventrue_Female_Armor_3.mdl"
"F_Body5" "models/character/pc/female/ventrue/armor3/ventrue_Female_Armor_3.mdl"
// "M_Hands" "models/hands/male/tremere/v_tremere_male_hands.mdl"
"F_Hands" "models/hands/female/ventrue/v_ventrue_fem_hands.mdl" // changed by wesp
"M_Hands" "models/hands/male/shared/v_shared_male_hands.mdl"
// "F_Hands" "models/hands/female/shared/v_shared_female_hands.mdl" // changed by wesp
"Gender" "Male, Female"
// "History" "None, Megalomaniac, Well Educated, Affinity for Magic, Black-Hearted, Avid RPG Fan, Ex-cop, Perv, Pot Head, Deaf"
"ClanEffect" "Clan (Tremere)"
"FrenzyEffect" "Frenzy (Kindred)"
"Kindred" "1"
"ClanIcon" "cm_clan_symbol_tremere"
"Multiplayer" "1"
"MPEquipPkg" "6"
"Is_BlueBlood" "0"
"SoundGroup" ""

"Attrib_Order" "Mental_Physical_Social"
"Strength" "1"
"Dexterity" "1"
"Stamina" "1"
"Charisma" "1"
"Manipulation" "1"
"Appearance" "1"
"Perception" "1"
"Intelligence" "1"
"Wits" "1"

"BloodPool" "8"
"FaithPoints" "0"
"Generation" "10"
"Starting_Equipment" "Player_Kindred"
"Excluded_Equipment" "Default"
"Experience" "0"

"CharGen_AutoLevel_Template" "Tremere_CharGen"
"Default_AutoLevel_Template" "Tremere_Default"

"Ability_Order" "Knowledges_Talents_Skills"
// "Athletics" "0"
"Brawl" "0"
"Dodge" "0"
"Intimidation" "0"
"Subterfuge" "0"
// "Animal_Ken" "0"
"Firearms" "0"
"Melee" "0"
"Security" "0"
"Stealth" "0"
"Computer" "0"
"Finance" "0"
"Investigation" "0"
"Academics" "0"
// "Occult" "0"

"Blood_Healing" "1" // changed by wesp
/// "Blood_Buff_Dexterity" "1"
/// "Blood_Buff_Stamina" "1"
/// "Blood_Buff_Strength" "1"
"Corpus_Vampirus" "1"
"Obfuscate" "1"
"Dominate" "1"
"Thaumaturgy" "1"

// Numina

// Reactions
"None" "0"
"Brujah" "+10"
"Gangrel" "-10"
"Malkavian" "0"
"Nosferatu" "0"
"Toreador" "-10"
"Tremere" "+20"
"Ventrue" "+5"

Posted: Sat Sep 28, 2013 4:42 pm
by Wesp5
Hm, I can find no error. Have you tried adding a starting point via the console command: vstat get obfuscate 1?

Posted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 1:17 am
by GawainBS
Oh, no, I haven't proceeded past the character creation sheet, out of frustration. I'll let the game run its course and try the console.
Won't that mess up my character sheet?

EDIT: Well, it just adds Obfuscate, so I'm set. Thanks, Wesp!

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 2:34 am
by Tenser
Woho, a mage with invisibility ! Sounds fitting to me.

Posted: Fri Oct 04, 2013 2:46 am
by GawainBS
I would have never guessed it, but Blood Purge is my most used Discipline.