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Really Stuck

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 7:06 pm
by davfra
I haven`t got the bandit camp or cloakwood on my map.
My party are all level 6 and I`ve cleared all the other places. I killed Tranzig but I`m not sure whether my map was supposed to be updated automatically or was I supposed to do something to have the missing areas put on my map?
I hope somebody can help, cos I`m totally peed off to have come this far and yet seem to have missed something which is stopping me from continuing the game.
Hope someone can help, because it looks like I`ll have to stop playing the game.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2002 1:39 am
by Sojourner
Hmm, killing Tranzig should have put the Bandit Camp on your map. Have you tried looking through the scrolls he dropped to see if it will trigger a map update?

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2002 5:19 am
by davfra
Well, it looks like I messed up big time. I cant find Tranzigs scroll anywhere.
I can go back to a point before I killed him but that was so long ago that I dont want to do that.
Are there any cheats that can get me over this?
I dont normally cheat but otherwise it means packing it in.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2002 6:16 am
by Xyx
Uhh... refresh my memory please. Do you get a scroll when you kill Tranzig that reveals the Bandit Camp? If so, you could use the CLUAConsole cheat codes to give yourself that scroll. I wouldn't know what the exact code for the scroll is, but I'm sure you could find a list somewhere on the web.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2002 10:11 am
by Sojourner
Ok, I did some looking, and learned that the scroll won't do anything for you. What you can try is to re-create the battle with Tranzig, by doing the following:
  1. Enter at the console: CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Tranzi")
  2. Have your main PC speak to him.
  3. Fight and kill him - you should see the game report that your map has been updated.
You should now see the Bandit Camp appear on your World Map - though you won't be able to go there directly the first time, but will have to travel there via an adjacent map. If this doesn't work and you're playing a multiplayer game, try copying your game into the Save directory and playing in single-player mode to get past this point.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2002 1:24 pm
by Skuld
I know exactly what you're talking about. I had the same problem when I played BG. I killed Tranzig and had cleared most other places on the map and neither Cloakwood nor the Bandit Camp showed up. But after a while the Bandit camp popped up, but i'm still having doubts about whether Cloakwood exists because not long after that happened my computer crashed and I lost everything. So try wandering around near the bandit camp killing Ankegs for some extra exp. It should show up eventually if you've kille Tranzig.

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2002 3:05 pm
by davfra
Thanks a lot, everybody. I`ll carry on for a while and hope it turns up. I went back to an earlier saving and killed Tranzig again and he definately had a scroll mentioning the bandit camp.
I know I fouled up at this point, but it seems stupid that the whole game could be ruined by such a mistake.
If I have to, I`ll start again and cheat till I get to my previous position.
I dont mind using walkthrough, but to cheat properly seems a waste of time to me.
Many thanks,

Posted: Sun Jan 27, 2002 3:59 pm
by Morollan

Had the same, but Cloakwood/Bandit's Camp appear when you try to exit on the map edge of an adjacent map at the point where it would lead to CW/BC. Not sure if it does this without the scrolltriggers...

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 3:14 pm
by Morlock
If I recall correctly, going through Peldvale, you will find a non- hostile thief (Surounded by many others who are hostile) who takes you to the camp, if you tell him you want to join.