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Ending Spoiler Question

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2002 3:09 pm
by drknite
This is a question about the final battle, so for all those who don't want to know stop reading now.

In the battle with the Dragon I right clicked on him and saw that he has 64D12+255 HP. Is this correct? If it is, then how in the world am I supposed to have a chance when each player can max 30 HP damage each turn, if they hit at all. I seem to miss more often than I hit. And I can only survive about 5 attacks from him before my entier party is wiped out. Help!

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 3:43 pm
by Pebz
How does your party look like? class/level? maybe you should go back (autosave) and get more exp/weapons/armor.

Otherwise, try alot of times and you might just get lucky :D

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2002 8:11 am
by WebShaman
The trick here is to properly outfit your characters with the various items in the game. Some of them give enourmous damage, which makes the ending combat a calkwalk. Also, consider 'prepping' your characters before the encounter with Kya. All the 'prep' spells come in handy, esp. haste. Your cleric should be hasted, and used as a mobil medi-vac. Bless, prayer, shield, pro. evil, etc are all good, and recommended. Consider as well the tactics side. Spread your combat characters out, so that they don't all get hit with that breath weapon. Hold your mages back, and attack from a distance. Use full-healing salves (from cleric characters), and not potions. Utilize all items in your inventorry (you won't nned them anymore, unless you plan on playing the multi game afterwards). Be persistant, and you will eventually succeed. I finished that undead worm in 3 rounds.

Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2002 9:39 am
by alfric
Has anyone thought/tried this yet?

Mass Domination on the sorcerer, guards and Dragon-kin at the fight beside the PoR (all of them) then going to Kya and sparking the confrontation? This should cause all of the dominated creature to come to your aid. Fend off Kya until the fodder comes up then finish her off. Then, send them to the slaughter against the dracolich.

I too have been tried to take the dragon down but have been able to get him down to 1/3 his life. I fear it is a numbers game at this point. I have my front runners displaced with improved invisibility and he weeds through them like it was nothing.

BTW - for those who don't know yet, to get through SR : 36 you need to roll a 20 with a 16th level sorcerer (and finger of death doesn't work!). Ranged weapons and Spiritual Hammer mat be the key....


Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2002 5:55 am
by WebShaman
Well, as I said before, use the items in the game. Give your best fighter type the dreadsword and the dbl-dam gloves (the demon claws). Pump up his strength (the ebony ring works well here), if barbarian, go into a rage. Haste him (or her). With five attacks, each doing 80+ damage, that totals for over 400, if all hit. Normally, only 2-3 will hit. That is then 160-240 damage a round. Use the deathspike for the other fighter(s), and the blunt axe. If you have a monk, he should have the dbl-dam book, that increases damage accordingly. Any memebers that have died, should be immediately resurrected by your hasted, medi-vac cleric (be aware that paladins can also use lay-on-hands to bring back a character, as long as the - over -10 is not more than would be healed by the lay-on-hands, example -13, lay-on-hands cures 14 will bring the character back to life). I found the end encounter to be a real letdown, killed the dracolich the first time. If you find your characters being paralysed, then either cast freedom of movement on them before the battle with kya, or dispel it with remove paralysis. I had a barbarian, Ethan, and a paladin/sorcerer go toe-to-toe with the dracolich, the other characters (faeril, my monk/rogue, and Jariel) stood back, faeril acted as my medi-vac, the monk/rogue used a bow, and jariel did nothing. Killed the dracolich in 3 rounds (or was it 4? Can't remember...).

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2002 9:22 am
by Demis
I'm pretty dissappointed with the last battle too, it's not as hard as it looks or should be. I consider the battle against Greyanna much more difficult that this one, mainly because you are not so powerfull at this point and for the lack of great weapons.

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2002 2:58 am
by WebShaman
I agree, the encounter with Bergos and Co. and Greyanna are much more difficult than the end encounter. And for me, the encounter with Kya was more challenging then that with the dracolich. Why didn't they just include Kya with the dracolich at once? That would have been more challenging, IMHO. Oh, well, at least the multi game is much more challenging...