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Free Weekend (12/17-12/22) - Sword Coast Legends

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2015 7:57 am
by Tokse
Free weekend on Steam in two days was announced on the official site yesterday: ... ee-weekend

"Good news, adventurers!

If you’ve been waiting to try Sword Coast Legends or have been longing to form a party and play co-op with on-the-fence friends, we’re happy to announce that for a limited time we are letting absolutely everyone experience Sword Coast Legends free!

The Sword Coast Legends Steam Free Weekend runs from 10:00 a.m. PST on 12/17 to 10:00 a.m. PST on 12/22. Immediately following the Steam Free Weekend, Sword Coast Legends will be on sale and offered for a limited time of $19.99.

During the Steam Free Weekend, players have the opportunity to experience all of SCL’s 40+ hour story campaign, delve into more than 1,500 community made modules, or create their own adventures for others to enjoy. The entire game will be open, online and free to play.

Since launch on October 20, we’ve released two free community update packs. These community updates included highly requested features such as playable drow elves, new skill trees, additional monster abilities, character respec, and much much more. If you haven’t had an opportunity to check out our community packs, now is your chance!

Enjoy the free weekend and have a great holiday season!
Thanks! "