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have I buggered the Aerie romance up?

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 4:15 pm
by frogus
I was in the Umar hills on about day 37 and Jaheira and Aerie finally had a a squabble saying 'Who do you like more?' so I said , 'sorry Jaheira I like Aerie' and Jaheira promised to keep out of our way. I then had a dialogue with Aerie which ended with me saying ' you are beautiful Aerie, I care about you.' or something. this all seemed good. I then got rid of Aerie for a while to do the Haer' Dalis planar prison quest and since I've had Aerie back she hasn't talked to me for about 12-14 days.
What's wrong?!? Is it something I said? is that meant to happen

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 8:01 pm
by UserUnfriendly
sorry, oce you drop a love interest from party, they are broken, forever. so will petrification, imprison, but dead you can ressurect quickly unless they get chunked.. :confused: :confused:

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2002 2:34 pm
by frogus
well cheers. at least now I know. is there anything I can do to get the romance up and running again? I'm not really feeling Jaheira's vibe.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2002 4:05 pm
by UserUnfriendly
reload is pretty much your only option...unless you have sk, or feel comfortable modifying hte globals via clua console...

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2002 8:46 pm
by telcontar
there is a really good romance guide floating around somewhere on the net that tells you how to modify the globals using cluaconsole...but um, do
to see if the romance is active or not...
0 = romance never started
1 = romance is currently active
2 = character is in loOoOove with you
3 = romance is dead.
if it comes up as 3, you can set it by doing

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2002 9:40 pm
by Sabre
Just replace the number with 1, so CLUAConsole:SetGlobal("AerieRomanceActive","GLOBAL",1)

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2002 1:58 pm
by frogus

how exactly do I 'do CluaConsole'? what does that mean? where is it?

also, while I'm here... I've just finished the Druids Grove quest and I've done everything else in Chapter 2 apart from the Book of What's His Face with Korgan...and I'm wondering if (assuming that I want to do every quest) I'll be able to carry on in Athkatla and surrounding regions in chapter 3 or if I want to do everything before handing over the 15000 gp...

and...!!!!! is there a better theif than Yoshimo? my party at the moment is Frogus(invoker), Keldorn (with the sword you get off Firkragg and Flail of Ages acting as main fighter, Minsc (with the talking sword Llilacor or whatever he's called acting as secondary fighter), Yoshimo, Jaheira and Aerie. It just seems that I could do better with someone who can detect traps and open doors ( I never really steal anything) AND cast spells or fight. Is anyone else skillful in theiivery and something else. will I get Imoen back soon?

I'd appreciate you not giving away too much of the plot in replies, or labelling them 'spoiler' if you do.

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2002 3:41 pm
by Sojourner
You don't need to do everything before forking over your money. If you do, you'll find Imoen at a significantly lower level than your party when you get her back.

Jan Jansen is a good alternate to Yoshimo. He's a gnome illusionist-thief who comes with some neat equipment and can make his own ammo. You can find him in the government district. I can also tell you that with your party make-up, you'll get some of the funnier dialogs with him.

Using the console:

First, you must edit your Baldur.ini file and add the following line under [Program Options]:

Debug Mode=1

Save the file and start BG2. To bring up the console in-game, press the Ctrl and Space keys at the same time. You can enter certain commands at the console to set global variables within the game, spawn creatures, and add items to your inventory. One of the very common uses for it pre-ToB patch was to fix the very buggy Jaheira romance.

To check Aerie's romance, enter the following at the console:


telcontar already listed what the numbers mean.

To force the next romance dialog, enter the following at the console:


Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2002 6:47 pm
by Aragorn Returns
jan jansen is much much better than yoshimo, plus, he casts spells, also, yoshimo has some, uh, moral dilemas that may interfere later.