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Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 5:52 pm
by VJenkinson
Can't find the heavy metal key and whats up with the margoyles at the bridge how do i lower it to get over there? (Level 2 catacombs)

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 6:31 pm
by Shortstack
Need the stone mouth to translate the words, I needed the stone mouth too for that..go to the place that is in the right center part of the world map (dont remember the name of the place, I think it is some garden or something) and walk above a square thing above the fountain and you should fall into the square thingie for the mouth.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 7:21 pm
by dmc
If your Margoyle question was more in line with what do you need to say to get them to lower the bridge (assuming that you have the stone mouth), you need to tell them that you are wounded, but not too badly. This convinces them that you would be a worthy fight that they can win.

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2002 8:25 pm
by VJenkinson
I said the wrong thing and it said to come back later. NOW WHAT?????