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At Last : The Subs Enters The Game

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 10:46 am
by Legion_SWE
BY the great Wizard of the more Greater Beard....

The stoistic "Wizzzards of the Coast (Guard?!) has atlast heard the angry screams from countless of gamers across the not so forgotten realms,
Of InterNet. ( ... )

how amazing to play as the weak - But brutaly affective Darkelfs, or the death laughing barbarians of the Dale...
play the Duregar , ShieldDwarfs or Theifling.......

at last ( AGAIN ) the IvD Series stands out from the other really Boring RPG:s games like : "TOILETT - FALLs OUT 1 - 2" and the other "fun" Games like "Pool of BrokenDreams" :mad: or BalursGate2 "Shadows of WerrySmall Amn"

OK , Enough Grumbles over Dead Ends......

this WILL surely be a HIT in the gaming World....

KEEP UP THIS STYLE AND THERE WILL BE A NOBELPRICE IN YOUR HANDS SOON ENOUGH........ / ye , i know my English is really bad....... ;)

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 11:33 am
by fable
Actually, your English is quite good: you have nothing to apologize for, there. On the other hand, your perspective is awry, and your humor is heavy-handed. I have yet to understand why some people can't boost a particular game they love without kicking at others that are solidly popular with the public and critics alike.

Personally, I think BG2 is one of the two or three best CRPGs I've encountered in more than 14 years of computer gaming; and IWD is easily the best dungeon crawl I've played in as long a period. Falllout 1 and 2 and Arcanum are all excellent games, in their own right. If you don't like 'em, instead of trying to make very poor puns on their name, why don't you say exactly what you didn't enjoy? And what you think IWD offered, that the others didn't? :)

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 11:52 am
by Onyx
I have to agree with Fable.
It's nice to express your enthusiasm for one game, but without having to "lower" other games that people like. Let's say BG, which i think alot of people like.
Don't get me wrong, i love IWD, but also i like BG.


Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2002 9:27 pm
by Legion_SWE
I see......

I never said anything of Arcanum , witch is a really good game...

On the other hand:

BG 1 rule ok, its the wide-open-landscape that is so good in the first BG, -but in BG2 becomes a broken dream:

when i first heard of the game BG2 i was shocked, - Another humongus great world of fantasy - counless of heroes and many demented foes to smash i thought, A good story and also "Romances" with the Chars in the game....
- But i become sad when i saw the thing that had befell the game, ( HOLD, dont judge me yet ) the small and scattred places to go to.... - this is teadius i know.... but the game seemed so small , there are too much open spaces betwean exampel the city blocks: like the slum - the docks, or De'Arneice Hold and Umar hills
and the map was only a thierd of the BG1 map.....

Ok the story is cool and the Quests even better , the beloving glory of hunting Dragons and Trolls - consult with Bored Beholders, chase goblins in allyways and battle with the Undead at night....

But what of Pool of Radiance then ?
at first a good game i thought...
at the surfess colorfull and great fantasy liked landscape -
but underground a fallout-like gray floor , amass of graffic wrongings and the neverending replicas of same rooms...

this is my side of the dice but we all have free minds to make up
, but i can never say that i could do better games whit a whip of an eye........

Cheers / Legion_SWE


Nemo me inpulit lecesit - Nobody attacks me Unpuniched

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 12:42 am
by fable
I know you didn't mention Arcanum, @Legion, but you did mention Fallout 1 & 2, in terms that were very disparaging. Arcanum is another product by the same team.

As to PoR II, I think it's safe to say that very few people up here enjoyed it (including myself). However, we're not going to make puns to flame it. If you enjoy something, by all means, post your pleasure; if you don't, all we ask is that you post your reasons; and try not to think that to praise Pelion, it is necessary to belittle Ossa.

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2002 2:58 am
by Onyx
Re: I see......
Originally posted by Legion_SWE

BG 1 rule ok, its the wide-open-landscape that is so good in the first BG, -but in BG2 becomes a broken dream:

Cheers / Legion_SWE


Nemo me inpulit lecesit - Nobody attacks me Unpuniched

Well, i sort of felt that way too the first time around, but i got over it :D
