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Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2002 5:39 pm
by Artega
Bladesingers were elvish people(half-elf) who went around defending and entertaining local elf settlements. As said on one of the armors(Melodic chain+3 or so) there were a band of half -elves who this with armor that while fighting or dancing it would "play" beautiful music. I see this as pretty cool and any one with any real background info would be much appreciated.
Also if one were to be a blade there main eqipment would be:
Amulet of power
boots of speed
Lavender ion stone(the one that gives +1 to ac and +4 to death saving throws)
wondrous gloves
Juggernaut Golem Manual would be good
ring of aculity
ring of gaxx
and the improved clock of protection+2
that is about it so there we go so like i said any background info on the bladesinge would be appreciated.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2002 1:23 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Cavorted with unicorns? Ewww... :D

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2002 8:26 am
by Kassaras
In the complete book of elves (second edition ADD) the bladesinger is a kit for an elite fighter/mage.
IIRC they kind of bond with their weapon of choice and the highest leveled ones use moonblades.
So I think that you should have a fighter/mage wielding one of those nice swords.Perhaps it would be good to give him 5 stears in longsword ,eh?

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2002 10:18 am
by Artega
Alright Thanx ya'll for the info. I was wondering, U say the Highest Bladesingers use Moonblades, right? Well from what i hve read a Bladesinger uses the first weapon he puts his hands on so unless Moonblades(Best elven weapons) are longswords that not possible. Also send me a link to that site u thing with info u spoke of. Also if BS are elite Fighter/mages then why are there spells based off of bard's spell chart. Well anyhow my friends and I all play Rune Quest, AD&D, and a bunch of other rpgs so knowing this will be great for my future characters.