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Underdark exit problems

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2002 11:39 pm
by fable
I'd decided to give my "good" party a little R&R after doing some of the WK, so they took off for the exit area from the Underdark. While there, they observed an Elven Guard party under attack by drows. Being good guys, they immediately started beating on the drows, and did fine, until the end of battle--whereupon a piece of dialog appeared, stating a warning about betrayal, even in a forced agreement--and my PC suffered an insta-death.

Oooookay. I went back and reloaded, making certain none of my party accidentally even sniffed at an Elven guard. Same result.

Third try. Ditto. I concentrate exclusively on a few of the drow, hang back, wait until the end of battle--and receive the same accusation of betrayal from the guards, and the insta-death.

Anybody have an idea what's going on, here? :) In all my replays, I've never gone back and tried this.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 12:28 am
by Sojourner
There seems to be some wierd bug here, possibly involving the erroneous use of Domination. I periodically have this kind of trouble getting to the Underdark exit - where all the war elves go hostile on me - and it seems to occur right after the Drow have dominated one of the war elves, IIRC.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 1:14 am
by fable
No, this doesn't involve domination. A large dialog pop ups in which the Elven Guard state that we've betrayed them by attacking them.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 2:13 am
by Stilgar
In battles like that, i alway turn off the AI!
So i can give all the commands (scrips will also give the same problem also)

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 5:20 am
by Sabre
I believe there is an Elven Battle Mage who will teleport in and kill you - but this only happen if you attack the elves, so it might be a bug with this or something. Does the dialogue happen to be something like:
You were warned! Attack not those that would be your friends, forced though the friendship is!

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 9:01 am
by Nightmare
An elven battle mage comes in, and kills you like Arkais Gath does. I had this problem during my first time through (not with the drow battle, but with Harpers appearing right after the dialogue with Eldan, the Harpers went Hostile, and then for some reason the elves went hostile too. I escaped, did chapter 6, came back and they were still hostile. Found a patch, but with no prior save... 3 months down the drain :( ).

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 10:21 am
by Sir Buliwyf
I had a similar problem that i didn't have the first few times through. I just leave them to it and stand there watching. de-select all ranged weapons and wait 'till it's over. that way no one can have a go at me. It seemed to work so you might want to try it.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 10:27 am
by fable
Originally posted by Stilgar
In battles like that, i alway turn off the AI!
So i can give all the commands (scrips will also give the same problem also)
I never use the AI.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 10:28 am
by fable
Originally posted by Sabre
I believe there is an Elven Battle Mage who will teleport in and kill you - but this only happen if you attack the elves, so it might be a bug with this or something. Does the dialogue happen to be something like:

You were warned! Attack not those that would be your friends, forced though the friendship is!
That's exactly what's said, @Sabre! Which would seem to point to a bug, since (as I've said) nobody has attacked a single Elf, though a few of the drows were targeted.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 1:24 pm
by fable
On my fourth try, I simply let the Elves get wiped out, and attacked the Drows only after they attacked me. That worked fine.

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2002 1:28 pm
by Littiz
I've had EXACTLY the same problem with Adalon, when she
teleports you near the exit and appears in human form (sp?).
She turns red, nothing to do about it!
And nobody could help me... :( :(
Why are you all trying to help Fable??? :mad: :mad:


:D :D :D