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Bard questions

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2001 10:47 pm
by Bloodtalon
I've chosen to go the rpg way rather than the power-gamer fighter-mage dual class...and so, I think I'm gonna use a bard...was thinking pally at first, just cause I wanted to use some cool stuff. But I thought that I could still do that with NPC Keldorn,...bards are more fun...right?....??

Skald or Blade? Screw the Jester :)
If I do blade, I'm guessing I should dual wield...should I dual wield with the skald?
I like the stronger bard songs of the skald...doesn't seem like offensive spin/def. spin is as good as the improved songs? ...any advice?

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 2:25 am
by Astafas
A Blade can out put *** in dual wielding while a Skald can only put * in the same ability. Therefor, having the latter dual wielding is not recommended. On the other hand, your Blade doesn't necessarily have to dual wield either - the Offensive/Defensive Spins are effective with a single weapon as well.

You can't really compare spins and songs - they are both good in different ways.

If you want a fighting bard, go for the Blade (most spells will go to protection spells). If you want a supporting Bard, go for the Skald (all offensive spells and then the bard song).

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2001 3:44 pm
by two
You can dual-wield just fine with a Skald. So the off-hand gets big penalties. So what? You soon have 19 str. (at least) and various equipment bonuses that more than make up for it. And the off-hand weapon doesn't even need to hit to be effective (i.e. belm or kundane). Always dual-wield, except at the very very very start in the prison. At the super-start, you can't hit if you dual wield. Once you get out of the prison, dual is fine.

The Blade is pretty disgustingly powerful. If you are worried about being overmatched take the blade, he's just nasty.

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 2:25 am
by Astafas
Originally posted by two:
<STRONG>You can dual-wield just fine with a Skald. So the off-hand gets big penalties. So what? You soon have 19 str. (at least) and various equipment bonuses that more than make up for it. And the off-hand weapon doesn't even need to hit to be effective (i.e. belm or kundane). Always dual-wield, except at the very very very start in the prison. At the super-start, you can't hit if you dual wield. Once you get out of the prison, dual is fine.
Always dual wield - man, how boring. You're a true power gamer, alright. I'd rather recommend for example a Two Handed Sword and a Heavy X-Bow for the Skald. If you want to dual wield, choose a Blade, Swashie, Ranger or Fighter.

[ 12-07-2001: Message edited by: Astafas ]

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 1:51 pm
by Xyx
Originally posted by Astafas:
<STRONG>I'd rather recommend for example a Two Handed Sword and a Heavy X-Bow for the Skald.</STRONG>
But why?

And what if you're roleplaying a pragmatist? :D

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2001 4:06 pm
by Crosswind
I'd recommend a Blade.

1.) I love them. They're not a fighter/mage/thief, they're just damn cool. They can do just about anything, and do it well.

2.) At high levels, Tenser's Transformation=23rd level FIGHTER. :D



Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 5:26 am
by two
Originally posted by Astafas:
<STRONG>Always dual wield - man, how boring. You're a true power gamer, alright. I'd rather recommend for example a Two Handed Sword and a Heavy X-Bow for the Skald. If you want to dual wield, choose a Blade, Swashie, Ranger or Fighter.

[ 12-07-2001: Message edited by: Astafas ]</STRONG>
I also might mention that I generally don't play computer games for their role-playing, interactive potential. If I want dynamic, real-time, sophisticated feedback I'll either:
a) play games with real live humans,
b) go down to my local bar, get sloshed, and attempt to convince a few ditzy college girls that my apartment would make a good disco,
c) well, the possibilities are endless. Expand and extend upon a), b) above. Well, maybe not b).

Yes it's true, I'm a SOA role-playing failure (and I only solo -- 'nuff said I suppose).

At least I didn't suggest simply dual-wielding the Blade (the stronger kit) over the Skald -- grant me that small measure of non-power-gaming respect.

ER, maybe not.

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 9:04 am
by FudD
lol@two....well put and good points ;)

personally i like Blade...his songs sux it's true but he helps make up for a lack of muscle...dual weilding, using two-handed swords or being an party wasn't built for close combat with 3-4 heavy classes slaying the brunt of enemies, a ranger being my best close combat fighter and so really any way you look at it bard is just one of the best multi skilled classes to play. BTW....mine was the best pickpocket in the game. I also used the bard and my multi class pc to cast most defensive spells.....both these characters for me were not my main killing machines yet they provide plenty of skills to handle most situations....and in the end were the most enjoyable to play ;)

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2001 4:54 pm
by Silver
Improved bard song is available to the blade as a high level ability. This song gives even better bonuses than the skalds song. It also means if you want a bit of power gaming you can move to the front line with a stone skin, go into defensive spin and play the song. This combined gives -20 to AC! (plus all the bonuses to your party...)

BTW has anyone noticed the improved song has
unlimited range - I'll leave you to work out the cheese tactics for this.

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2001 6:27 am
by two
Originally posted by Silver:
<STRONG>Improved bard song is available to the blade as a high level ability. This song gives even better bonuses than the skalds song. It also means if you want a bit of power gaming you can move to the front line with a stone skin, go into defensive spin and play the song. This combined gives -20 to AC! (plus all the bonuses to your party...)

BTW has anyone noticed the improved song has
unlimited range - I'll leave you to work out the cheese tactics for this.</STRONG>
It makes the old "3 animate dead + singing in a locked room" combination quite nasty. Skeleton warriors are tough to begin with; add either the standard high-level Skald song or improved bard song and it's just nasty. Works great in SOA; by TOB thought SkWarriors are simply outmatched.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 12:34 am
by Astafas
Originally posted by Xyx:
<STRONG>But why?

1) A party where everybody dual wields isn't very realistic (not even in a fantasy game) - then why not leave that option to the ones who do it best?
2) There are plenty of really good two handed weapons which, except if you're playing a giant, can't be dual wielded.
3) Once his spells are used up, the bard is no tank. He'll still do fairly well with a bow or a x-bow, though.

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 12:39 am
by Astafas
Originally posted by two:
<STRONG>Yes it's true, I'm a SOA role-playing failure (and I only solo -- 'nuff said I suppose).

At least I didn't suggest simply dual-wielding the Blade (the stronger kit) over the Skald -- grant me that small measure of non-power-gaming respect.
Don't be so hard on yourself - I'm sure you have lots of other qualities. ;)

For real! Respect!

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 8:47 am
by Crosswind
Contingency-25% life-Tenser's Transformation.

Hell ya he's a tank. =)

It's always funny when a few things are beating on him too's like the Hulk. He get to low life and RAAAAARGH!!! all of a sudden 90 HPs out of nowhere and things start dropping like flies.



Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2001 1:15 pm
by Craig
25% what the hell ya thinking ! lower!