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Problem in Elvin camp

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 2:12 am
by mallagant
I am having a major problem... when I came out of the underdark i was taken to see the Elven captain forgot his name he enterigated me...

just when i was geting ready to go hunt Bodie the harpers attacked me right in there camp I fled to the exit but now that I am done with Bodie, I am attacked in the camp and then an Elvin guard kills me every time is there a way to fix this please dont say I have to do it all over againe :mad:

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 2:16 am
by Locke Da'averan
I'm pretty sure you have to do it all over again, that's a common problem(it happened to me too) the harpers can't really come to underdark and when you emerge they strike at the first opportunity, i got over it by strictly forbidding Jaheira to tell anything about me, and it worked, you won't believe how relieved i was, that my first run through(over a year ago) wasn't screwed. That worked for me, but i am afraid that the elves in that camp bear grudge for disturbing their peace longer than they live :(

I just hope you have a save just before the incident with the harpers...

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 3:47 am
by Astafas
This problem is probably caused by you hurting one of the elves in some way. Maybe an area spell during the fight with the harpers? You'll have to reload, I guess.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 12:45 pm
by Sojourner
Originally posted by Astafas
This problem is probably caused by you hurting one of the elves in some way. Maybe an area spell during the fight with the harpers? You'll have to reload, I guess.
Not necessarily - IIRC, this was a big problem before ToB came out. I don't know if the SoA official patch fixes this.

@mallagant - You can try this: When the Harpers show up, move your entire party so that Elhan and the war elves are completely out of your line-of-sight. Battle them as normal, but watch the area effect spells. Hopefully this will prevent the war elves from going hostile.

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 5:03 pm
by Locke Da'averan
the area effect doesn't matter they(elves) attack when you attack (maybe in the code?)

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 5:51 pm
by mallagant
Dang I was afraid of that my last save is way back... well here we go againe

Posted: Wed Feb 20, 2002 11:30 pm
by mallagant
Ahh... yes, it worked just like you said I told the old girl to keep her mouth shut and they let me walk :D

so now I'm off to hunt me a Bodie

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2002 4:45 pm
by Nightmare
I had the exact same problem the first time I went through, and I did the exact samething as you. I had to restart, as I had no prior save. Fortunatly for you, you won't have to (I hope). :)

Go to Baldurdash and get the patch there. This won't magically fix you games, you must load a previous save. Better then completely restarting. :)

And yes, if anything is hostile towards you in the camp, the elves are scripted to attack you (even if you help them kill drow :rolleyes: ).

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2002 12:23 am
by Zarajon
Regarding those harpers

I just had the same problem and yes my solution was to get as far away from Elhan as I could. I killed Reviane but the rest of the harpers stayed near Elhans camp. So when I went back Ihad my main character go invisible and run up to Elhan, it worked cause I got to suldannessalar, however I haven't tried going back and killing the whole bunch yet.

Whew I hate wordy messages.