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Yet another question about contingencies

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2002 8:34 pm
by Thakrintiz
Now the original spell: Contingency, can contain one spell of 1 spell level pr. 3 character lvls, to a max of 6th spell level
meaning that when you are lvl 18 the contingency will be able to contain a spell from 1st-6th level
HOWEVER with Chain Contingency, which can contain spells of any level, you _should_ be able to set 9th lvl spells in it at lvl 27 mage, but i can only go to 8th lvl, which pretty much disrupts all my clever plans of making eeeeeeeeeeeeeevil contingencies :p

(Hence 3(character lvl)*9(spell lvl) = 27)

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2002 6:32 am
by Silvanerian
The description of chain contingency explains that only up to 8th level spells are allowed, although timestop, improved alacrity and perhaps mislead would be nice to have for a rainy day...
