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a bug with "command" ?

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2002 11:22 pm
by dragon wench
I had something humourous happen earlier while playing.
My party was in one of the coastal areas and a siren dire charmed Imoen. In order to avoid her damaging the group I had Viconia cast command on her. When the spell wore off, no matter how much I tried, Imoen would not move. Watching her attempting to do so was actually quite funny :D

Fortunately I can just reload my game, but I was wondering if anyone else has ever encountered this problem.

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2002 9:37 am
by Nullen

I had a similar situation happen when I minsc went nuts.....I had to cast a charm spell on him just to calm him down but it didn't work all that great because he some kind of moon walk thing....weird but humorous.....