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Does it matter?
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2002 6:07 pm
by Kew
Does it matter in what order you put your NPCs on your team? Like for example minsc in the #2 slot then korgan ect ect...
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2002 6:53 pm
by Pebz
Yes, the higher they are, the more exp they get... or so it seems.
Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2002 6:57 pm
by HighLordDave
Marching order matters for your quick formations. It also matters if you're going to talk to someone.
If you select a party quick formation, the top character will take the #1 (highlighted in the formation button) slot, the second character will take the second slot, etc.
It is a good idea to have your fighters in the higher slots because they will usually be closer to the bad guys, and let's face it, Aerie and Nalia are not front line troops.
If you've selected the entire party and you want to engage someone in dialogue, the character in the #1 slot does the talking. It is advantageous to have somone with a high CHA in that position (Keldorn, Yoshimo, Jahiera, someone wearing a Ring of Human Influence, etc.) because when you talk to shopkeepers, you'll get lower prices with a higher CHA and reputation.
There are also people in the game who respond differently to people of different races, classes and genders. I'll leave you to find out who these are specifically, but there's a barfly in the Copper Coronet who has some pretty funny lines if a good-looking female talks to him.