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Question about multi-classed characters

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2002 5:30 pm
by Chase
When a multi-classed character levels up, do they gain hp's at half the die roll+ the bonus from their CON? e.g. If a fighter/thief levels up in the fighter class, does he gain 1d5 hps + con bonus?
How does it work? I can't tell how it works, and I'm starting to get a little worried as Montaron is a 2/3 figther/thief with only 17 hps in the game I'm currently playing.

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2002 1:42 am
by Sojourner
When a multi-class levels up in one of his/her classes, the maximum hitpoints he/she can attain in that class is half the dieroll for that class plus half the CON bonus for that class (which is rounded up).

Since HP on level-ups are randomly generated, your PC could quite conceivably attain only 1 HP + CON bonus on level-ups (there is no gameplay option forcing the max possible).

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2002 3:22 am
by Xyx
Actually, the Con bonus is halved, too, and the total result is rounded down. In the case of triple-classed characters, this hurts (rounding 2/3 HP down becomes noticeable after a while). Multiclassed characters have to collect two or three times as much XP to get almost the HP the single classers get.