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NWN general questions

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2002 12:52 am
by humanflyz
Just some questions that I can't seem to find an answer for on the Internet. Thank you in advance.

1) Will there be pausing in the Multiplayer, like the way in the IE games. My concern is that if you can't pause, then the action, the spell-casting, switching weapons, quick items, party formations and stuff could really get frustratrated. Even with keyboard shortcuts I would still imagine a big problem.

2) Is NWN based on OpenGL or D3D? This way I can have something in mind when I buy my new comp for this game.

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2002 3:18 am
by Xyx
Originally posted by humanflyz
1) Will there be pausing in the Multiplayer, like the way in the IE games. My concern is that if you can't pause, then the action, the spell-casting, switching weapons, quick items, party formations and stuff could really get frustratrated. Even with keyboard shortcuts I would still imagine a big problem.
The game will be real time, only the Dungeon Master can pause it. BioWare claims that it's easy to keep up with the game's pace. Since you have six seconds to basically do one thing, I don't see many problems.

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2002 5:29 pm
by humanflyz
I am asking the pause thing because I don't have a very fast reflex when it comes to game, therefore I don't get much enjoyment from first person shooters. I like the BG series because I have all the time I want to plan and strategize.

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2002 11:59 pm
by Xandax
It would be very hard to make a pause function in the multiplayer part of the game, because that would mean pausing the game for all characters or maybe just all characters near you.
Think of a multiplayer game with 20 or so players - on player pauses the game, cause he have to shift armour or something, should the other 19 players wait for him, or as in real time, be able to do other things while he shifts. :)

In single player iirc there is a sort of pause function, but as I recall it freezes the game and you can't act in that pause.

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2002 5:07 pm
by humanflyz
OK, I see how it's gonna work now. Thanks for the replies.

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 10:11 pm
by Mom&Son
Keyset (Keyboard Cover)

I'm looking at buying Neverwinter Nights for my son's birthday (thank you to those in the Morrowind thread for your suggestions!) and I have a couple of questions that I hope someone could answer.

I saw on the Best Buy website that they sell a 'keyset' (I'd call it a keyboard cover) that does something specifically for Neverwinter Nights. ... pe=product
They also have one for Age of Mythology, so I'll post these same questions on a board for that.

I would like to know if anyone has used this sort of thing and if it is useful or just for show?

I see that it is only for one particular keyboard and that brings up another question. The keyboard is only $15 (?!) and I came up with the bright idea of buying the keyboard so my son can just switch it out with our regular one when he wants to play the game. However, my husband brought up the complication of keyboard software. Would I have to 'tell' my computer that we're using a different keyboard each time, and if so, how? My computer isn't very communicative!

Lastly, is the keyset for all 3 Neverwinter games, or just Neverwinter Nights?

Thanks so much....the people on this board have been most kind and welcoming to me!

Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2003 11:34 pm
by Xandax
I've never used, thus have no experience, with such key-set/covers.

But as for shifting keyboard, it should be a rather simple operation in most cases.
Depending on what operating system you use on your computer, and if the keyboard you shift around between are basic keyboards, then no (extra) drivers are needed, because the operating system have what it needs, so to speak.

If you have some keyboards with many features (such as customable shortcut keys etc) you migth need to install drivers to get these extra features to work - but the basic keyboard functionality will still work.

Also you can have drivers installed in the operating system for more keyboards, so after drivers (if at all needed) have been installed for 2 sets of keyboard you can shift around between them easy.

Thus keyboard shifting should provide no difficulties.

What I don't understand however - is what usage thoese keyset/covers should bring. NwN isn't exatcly key-heavy in my oppinion, and then it might be a tad excessive to purchase such a cover :D

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 12:57 am
by Mom&Son
Hello! Back again, and loving Neverwinter Nights! Thanks again to the folks on the NWN and the Morrowind boards for suggesting this game for my son's birthday!

We've run into a question and can't figure it out with the book or walkthroughs, so I'm hoping someone here could explain.
We have a Ranger character, level 2 (fighting level 1 and sorcerer level 2). When we left Chapter 1 and landed in Port Llast, there is now a symbol by the Status Bar (where you see if you're diseased, etc.) that says "Level Drained"
It didn't say that when we leve Chapter 1, that we're aware of, so we don't know if this is supposed to show, and what the heck it means! :confused: It doesn't sound good!
Can anyone enlighten us?

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2003 2:20 am
by Xandax
It means that your character have had some of his levels drained by a creature, meaning that your character is infact 1 (some) levels lower then he should be. For instance - if you have a level 5 character that has fought a creature (certain undead such as vampires and others) that level drained you for 1 level - you will in all aspect act as a level 4.

You should be able to get it removed if you teleport with the Stone of Recall back to Aribeth and get her to cure you.

Otherwise getting and casting Greater Restoration on you will cure it also. (either from spell or scroll).

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 11:19 am
by Mom&Son
Oh boy! Do I need help!

I'm having problems with my *brand new* computer (*$&@&) and I talked to Dell help. They asked me to uninstall my video card and it automatically reinstalled it.

I'm playing another game myself (Conspiracies) and have been having problems with it, so this may not effect NWN, but my kiddo is out of town, and I'd really like this to be cleared up before he returns!

When I went back to Conspiracies after reinstalling the video card, it will no long load to play! Now, I've had plenty of other issues with the game, so it could be totally unrelated, BUT, in case it is a problem, I need to know if there is a way I can save my kid's NWN game (from the saved games on Explore?) and that way, if I have to uninstall and reload NWN, he won't loose everything - oh please, oh please! don't make me tell him all of Chapter 1 and most of Chapter 2 are do-overs! :eek:

So, could some dear soul here on the message board tell me:
1) can I backup a saved game and put it onto a new intall of NWN and, if so,
2) How?!
Thanks so much guys! You all are always so kind! :(

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 11:37 am
by Ravor
In the folder that you installed Neverwinter Nights in, there should be a folder named 'saves'. (I believe the game's default path is "C:\NeverWinterNights\NWN\saves" although since I put everything into a 'Games' folder its possible it might be "C:\Program Files\NeverWinterNights\NWN\saves") You should be able to copy all the files from that folder and be able to save your games. Also, if you have installed any custom portraits be sure to back them up as well. (They should be in C:\NeverWinterNights\NWN\Portraits.)

Be sure to delete the folder and any files that your uninstall left behind as well as using Windows 'Disk Check', 'Disk Cleanup' and 'Disk Defragger' before reinstalling the game. and I'd recomend Defragging your harddrive again afterwards as well.

Once you reinstall the game simply put all the files back where you've found them and everything should work. (Please note that I haven't actually tested this with Neverwinter Nights, but it has worked with every other Bioware game that I have tested it with so it should work here as well.)

The only downside that I can see is if the saved games are corupted (In which case I'm afraid I can't help you although someone else might be able to.) or if you have donwloaded some custom mods you will also need to be sure to reinstall them provided that they weren't the problem in the first place.