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Coran cheats?

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 5:43 am
by Moleman
How is it possible, that Coran has
- 20 as dexterity?!? I though 18 was maximum
- 3 as Bow proficiency?!? I thought multiclass fighters couldn't get advanced proficiency

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 7:52 am
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by Moleman
How is it possible, that Coran has
- 20 as dexterity?!? I though 18 was maximum
- 3 as Bow proficiency?!? I thought multiclass fighters couldn't get advanced proficiency
He found some tomes i suppose ;)

More likely Bioware thought he was a bit poor and decided to up some of his stats to make him a worthwhile character :)

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 8:17 am
by Leonardo
If you think this is bad, try to figure how Minsc was created, because Rangers require 14 minimum Wisdom...

Or in BG2, how Anomen managed to dual from Fighter to Cleric with only 12 Wisdom

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 9:18 am
by Moleman
Good point Leonardo...
Originally posted by Leonardo
If you think this is bad, try to figure how Minsc was created, because Rangers require 14 minimum Wisdom...
Perhaps Minsc suffered a severe hit in head, thus losing points in wisdom :(

Minor BG2 spoiler ahead:

Or in BG2, how Anomen managed to dual from Fighter to Cleric with only 12 Wisdom
Yep, and come to think of it, Anomen's change in class to paladin altogether is impossible for PC....

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 9:48 am
by Leonardo
Minor BG2 spoilers
Must have been a VERY hard blow. A mindflayer SUCKING :eek: your brain out of your skull only causes you to lose 4 Intelligence. Minsc must have lost a good deal of gray matter on that blow, to lose 8 Wisdom :D :D :D

And the only time I had Anomen with me he didn´t become a Paladin, just became a better Cleric (+4 Wisdom) and became Lawful Good instead of Lawful Neutral. Had I lost something?
He must have become even more whiny as a Paladin! ;)

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 2:53 pm
by Robnark
Anomen does not (at least not in SoA) turn into a paladin. He just changes alignment.

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 6:01 pm
by Aragorn Returns
If you think this is bad, try to figure how Minsc was created, because Rangers require 14 minimum Wisdom...

ya, and how did he get his ability to go berserk? rangers aren't supposed to have that.

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 6:34 pm
by Sailor Saturn
Originally posted by Aragorn Returns

ya, and how did he get his ability to go berserk? rangers aren't supposed to have that.
Well, being a Beserker is understandable since he's a warrior from Rashema. That ability is given through magical means to all Rasheman warriors, IIRC. The bigger question is, how did he become a Ranger? I'm guessing that his low wisdom is made up for by Boo's high wisdom, since Minsc obviously follows Boo's advice whenever Boo offers it. ;)

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 7:08 pm
by Aragorn Returns
that's funny

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 11:02 pm
by streaker
I don't see what the big deal is about Coran anyway. He's a lousy thief and a lousy fighter. A horrible portrait and an overraed 20 DEX. Granted the 20 dex does help his theif skills, but only a bit. The jump from 19 to 20 doesn't offer any AC or missle bonuses.

Thief: He comes to late in the game, all his points are in stealth. Whoopdee freakin' do. I need a pickpocket, lockpicker or trap finder until Imoen get her theif skills back.

Fighter: Lack of constitution and theif multiclass gives him horrible HP. Any good armor negates his thief skills. Shadow Armor (I believe) brings his AC down to 0, while other are chunking badguys with -4.

All this leaves his sniping skills, which adtetedly are good. However, Kivan is almost as good and can actually fight as well.

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 11:31 pm
by Moleman
Originally posted by Robnark
Anomen does not (at least not in SoA) turn into a paladin. He just changes alignment.

Hupsansaa. I guess I didn't know that part so well, eh? No matter, changing alignment too is out of normal PC's reach.

Posted: Thu Mar 07, 2002 11:45 pm
by Moleman
Originally posted by streaker
I don't see what the big deal is about Coran anyway. He's a lousy thief and a lousy fighter. A horrible portrait and an overraed 20 DEX.
Thief: He comes to late in the game, all his points are in stealth. Whoopdee freakin' do. I need a pickpocket, lockpicker or trap
Fighter: Lack of constitution and theif multiclass gives him horrible HP. Any good armor negates his thief skills. Shadow Armor (I believe) brings his AC down to 0, while other are chunking badguys with -4.
I beg to differ! His lockpicking skill is pretty good, and with being good in stealth and proficiency with long sword, he can do some severe damage backstabbing.

Yeah, his AC won't go that low, but with boots of speed he doesn't have to take have - he can run behind the corner (or out of baddies FOV), hide in shadows again, and sneak behind the bad buy.

This reminds me of a tactic I used in my previous game. I had only my PC (F/T/M) and Coran with me. Using stealth with both characters I could choose which fights I want to fight. When entering a fight, I sneaked behind and front of the baddie, so that the one who was behind made first backstab. If backstab failed, or if the enemy didn’t die from the first strike, he attacked, thus turned his back to the other character, who then made another backstab. There weren’t many enemies in the game who can take 2 backstabs.

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 12:36 am
by Moleman
Originally posted by Sailor Saturn

I'm guessing that his low wisdom is made up for by Boo's high wisdom, since Minsc obviously follows Boo's advice whenever Boo offers it. ;)
"Boo is the best purchase I ever made, and despite my head wound I could tell that his previous owner was good and honest. Boo is an asset to us all!" -Minsc

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2002 3:47 pm
by Astafas
Originally posted by streaker
I don't see what the big deal is about Coran anyway. He's a lousy thief and a lousy fighter. A horrible portrait and an overraed 20 DEX. Granted the 20 dex does help his theif skills, but only a bit. The jump from 19 to 20 doesn't offer any AC or missle bonuses.

Thief: He comes to late in the game, all his points are in stealth. Whoopdee freakin' do. I need a pickpocket, lockpicker or trap finder until Imoen get her theif skills back.

Fighter: Lack of constitution and theif multiclass gives him horrible HP. Any good armor negates his thief skills. Shadow Armor (I believe) brings his AC down to 0, while other are chunking badguys with -4.

All this leaves his sniping skills, which adtetedly are good. However, Kivan is almost as good and can actually fight as well.
Coran is by *far* the best archer in the game. He gets bonuses for being an elf, for high dex (give him the Tome and he'll get an extra bonus) and for the fact that he has *** in Bows (which is impossible as well according to the rules).


Maximum Dex for an Elf is 19, not 18.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2002 11:40 pm
by Moleman
Thnks for clearing that up, Astafas. I agree, Coran is h3ll of an archer, I take him to my party every single time I play.... Hmm, propably shoud try playing the game a bit different the next time...

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2002 2:00 am
by Astafas
Originally posted by streaker
He comes to late in the game
Why not use GateKeeper to move around collecting NPCs before leaving Candlekeep? I always do. Beware timelimits for personal quests though (like Yeslick's 10 days for clearing out the Cloakwood Mines).