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There Are Times When Cynicism Is The Only Answer

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 12:34 pm
by Yshania
1. Follow your dream!
Unless it's the one where you're at work in your underwear during a fire drill.

2. Always take time to stop and smell the roses
And sooner or later you'll inhale a bee

3. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow.
Do not walk beside me either - just leave me alone!.

4. When I am feeling down I like to whistle.
It makes the neighbour's dog run to the end of his chain and gag himself

5. It's always darkest before the dawn.
So if you are going to steal the neighbour's newspaper/milk that is the time to do it.

6. Into every life some rain must fall.
Usually when your car windows are down.

7. It's a small world.
So use your elbows a lot.

8. We are born naked, wet and hungry.
Then things get worse.

9. No-one is listening.
Until you make a mistake.

10. If you wonder how deep the water is...
Never test with both feet.

11. It is far more impressive when other's discover your good qualities
Without your help.

12. If you ever feel no-one cares whether you are alive.
Try missing a couple of car payments.


Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 12:53 pm
by Sailor Saturn

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 12:53 pm
by Dragon Kurse
Just to let you know, the blue is hard to read against the black.

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 12:56 pm
by Yshania
@DK - my apologies, but it is too much like hard work to go back and edit :D

Welcome to SYM btw ;)

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 1:09 pm
by C Elegans

2. Always take time to stop and smell the roses
And sooner or later you'll inhale a bee

True - I was very close to swallow a spider once because of this, but happily, I managed to spit out the little thing without it getting hurt. What a shock, poor little bug :)

4. When I am feeling down I like to whistle.
It makes the neighbour's dog run to the end of his chain and gag himself


Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 1:32 pm
by AbysmalNature
Damny that is so cynical, how did such a fair lady such as yourself get such a cynical view of the world?

Funny though :D .

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 1:37 pm
by Yshania
@CE - number 4 was my favourite! :D

@AN LOL! :D (if the link works :rolleyes: ) ;)

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 1:40 pm
by CM
Now that is funny!!!

8. We are born naked, wet and hungry.
Then things get worse.

That is the best in my opinion and very ironic.

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 1:48 pm
by AbysmalNature
5)If a motorist cuts you off, turn the other cheek. Nothing gets the message across like a good mooning.

19)It may be that your sole purpose in life is to simply serve as a warning to others.

24)Love is like a roller coaster: When it's good you don't want to get off, and when it isn't, you can't wait to throw up.


Those are my favorites, where did you find this Yshania, so twisted so sad so darn depressing. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 3:21 pm
by Aegis
Ahh... I have finally drawn out the cynic inside you... :D

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 3:41 pm
by Beldin
Originally posted by Yshania
4. When I am feeling down I like to whistle.
It makes the neighbour's dog run to the end of his chain and gag himself

5. It's always darkest before the dawn.
So if you are going to steal the neighbour's newspaper/milk that is the time to do it.

6. Into every life some rain must fall.
Usually when your car windows are down.

7. It's a small world.
So use your elbows a lot.

8. We are born naked, wet and hungry.
Then things get worse.

9. No-one is listening.
Until you make a mistake.

Welcome to the dark side...... :cool:

DO worry !


Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 3:58 pm
by Yshania
@CM - I am happy to have brought some ironic amusement ;)

@AN - was a cut out from tabloid press - someone else found it amusing before I did! :D

@Beldin - are you welcoming me to the dark side? :D Hey! I have been hiding in shadows a long time ;)

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 4:13 pm
by Gwalchmai
Ysh, I think you have to ensconce yourself in a tower somewhere for a while before you can truly take the title "Cynic" :p :p You'll always be 'Happy-Go-Lucky' Yshy to me! :D

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2002 6:30 pm
by Yshania
Awww Gwally! :D *hug* ;)