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Stopping character

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2002 10:07 am
by Mahdi
Ok I have found something that seems to be a bug, or feature, or something at least.
When I'm wearing the cloak of mirroring and try to walk some distance ie. more than a couple of screen lengths my character looses his path and stops.
He also pauses every three or four steps before he stops and it seems as if he is calculating a new path or somthing, it's not a long pause so it's not really a problem as long as I walk short distances, but any cross map trekking is not working properly.

Now this may have something to do with the "new" animation you get when using the cloak (which is sort of annoying as hell by the way, since it makes seeing stuff on the ground next to your char very difficult. But ah the price we pay for protection) since it never happened before I installed ToB with the old animation.

Any ideas how to make this go away (besides removing the cloak of course)?

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2002 11:02 am
by Phantom Lord
I had the same bug happening without wearing the cloak.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2002 12:15 pm
by Mahdi
hmm... well I have now managed to somehow get it without the cloak as well, though I have found that it only occurs while under the drow illusion in the underdark, this since it went away as I came to the surface(both with and without cloak)

So the conclusion may be that it may be connected to the illusion and not the cloak as I first thought, but that it goes away once you reach the surface :)

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2002 12:21 pm
by Sojourner
I experience the stutter bug too, when my characters undergo the Drow transformation while wearing regeneration items. I don't bother equipping the Ring of Gaxx anymore because of the problem.

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2002 10:09 pm
by Arch_Angel
A few people have reported this in the underdark. I managed to narrow it down (in my games at least) to certain items that have regenerative abilities. Try taking them off of your character and see what happens. Hope this helps.

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2002 8:00 am
by Fence
I had this problem occur while I was in the Watcher's Keep. I would say it's got something to do with the cloak of mirroring, because the member of my party with the cloak was the one affected. Once it had begun, though, it didn't matter whether I had the cloak equipped or not.

It stopped after I installed the latest TOB patch for the second time. Try downloading a fresh copy of the patch... it's worth a shot, anyway. Good luck.