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Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2002 3:40 pm
by Solaufein
I am trying to kill The Ravager in ToB but for some reason nothing I do can hurt him. I have tried everything I can think of and am getting nowhere. Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2002 9:11 pm
by Delita
It's either a bug or you're not whacking him enough.

Tips: Have all fighters hit him and hit him hard. Use Whirlwind. Hardiness didn't seem to do much for me and his making his target go unconcious doesn't help.

Have your mages run, have stoneskin ready and get to the other side. Then have your mages cast horrid wilting on the bone blades and that should keep them off for a little while before they come back but it's not safe to let them hit you while the Ravager is kicking your butt.

Drink potions like crazy. No time to heal, his blade barrier does make things easy. He's got loads of HP too.

Posted: Sun Mar 17, 2002 9:58 pm
by Solaufein
I can actually fight him for literally hours and still have party membrs left... the only problem is that he wont take any damage and it starting to piss me off :(

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2002 2:21 am
by Phantom Lord
He's somewhat immune to weapons I think. Use +5 and +6 weapons and whack him with greater whirlwinds. Conjure a Planetar and Greater Elementals to deal with the bone swords.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2002 5:25 am
by Cybot

To deal with the Boneswords you summon up your own little army of Mordekainens swords(2 or 3). The Mordekainens swords can't hurt the boneswords. But the opposite is true as well. Just get the Mordekainens sword to occupy all his boneswords and you are free to go after the Ravager without interference.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2002 12:27 pm
by Phantom Lord
:D Wrong too. Planetars kill the BS, so conjure both Planetars and MS and let the Planetar whack the occupied BS.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2002 2:43 pm
by Delita
Heck just form an army of Planetars and Swords and just mob him why don't ya?

My cavalier had The Holy Avenger +6 and was doing fine.

Valyger wielded the Argvundal(sp?) +5 and Foebane+5 and whooped him.

Jaheira had the Spectral Brand +5 and took her slice of the damage.

THe mages basically can't do much in this besides killing the BS.

Bone swords were doing minor damage to my men though.

I once in a while got Jan to whip out the staff of Ram +6 and hit him but he wouldn't last long if that Ravager guy picked him up and took bites out of him.

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2002 3:48 pm
by Phantom Lord
[Sigh.] Those fights where a single enemy figure is important are always over too fast to reflect upon strategy. Buff the mage with improved mantle, absolute immunity and minor protections, turn the cleric into a killing machine with the appropriate spells and let the fighters whack with whirlwinds. Get the Planetar for true sight, heal and sheer fighting capability, summon xyz for secondary front line cleanups and just when you feeel you're ready for a real fight it's all over.

Posted: Tue Mar 19, 2002 10:23 am
by Solaufein
Thanks for the help!
I am not sure if it is going to work as I haven't had time to try anything yet but I have lots of things to try. I just hope it's not a bug =o