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What do you guys do?

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 11:56 am
by bored
Hi, I'm new here at gamebanshee and i was just looking at all the different forums and i thought id stop by to ask what does being in the guild require? what does it entail?

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2002 12:50 pm
by Nippy
What do we do? Look at the website in my sig and you might find out... :)

To get in the guild you need to be a member of Gamebanshee (you are) and you have to want to play the game with likeminded people.

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2002 3:32 am
by Xandax
Originally posted by bored
Hi, I'm new here at gamebanshee and i was just looking at all the different forums and i thought id stop by to ask what does being in the guild require? what does it entail?

We are - as Nippy said - simply a collection of people that like RP and look forward to NwN.
In that game - we would like to play multiplayer games, and what better people to play with - then people you know (and trust somewhat :D ).
So this is guild is mostly to have some people to play multiplayer NwN with.
We will also game in the world called Argyle - wich is a unik world created by some canadian DMs.
Lastly several of us will try to work on modules and then this guild is great for fieldtesting them :)

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2002 10:24 am
by K0r/\/f1@k€$
I'd like to join and I PMed you Xandax, but no reply :(

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2002 12:30 pm
by der Moench
@Cornflakes: be patient. ;) Xandax is busy, I am sure, but I am sure he will get to you as soon as possible.

@Xandax: don't make a liar out of me! :p

Wlecome aboard, Cornflakes! :)

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2002 3:19 pm
by K0r/\/f1@k€$
Thanks for the welcome - I'll be patient. I guess it's worth waiting for :)

While I've got you on the thread, I'd like to ask a few questions: should I have my biography ready with the rest of my character, got any ideas why there aren't any kits in NWN (because I'm quite keen on an archer), and how much depth should my biography provide? Obviously enough to cover reasons for joining the Banshees and a brief history, but what beyond what?

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2002 3:57 pm
by average joe
Well here's the deal, Corn.

As far as kits...i don't really think they're necessary. The amount of customization 3rd Edition allows is enough, in my opinion, to make any style of character you wish. If you want an archer, you could be a fighter or ranger (fighter if you just want a straight archer, ranger if your a woodsman). Then you could attain feats and skills that would make your archery skills better. If you don't have a 3rd Edition D&D handbook, I suggest you get one and read up. It's way different from second edition, and in my opinion way better.

For your biography, it depends. If you wish to play in Argyle, you should go to their message boards and click on the "creating a character in Argyle" link started by Pranker. I'm pretty sure that's what it's called. That link wil serve as guidelines for the kinda bio an Argyllian needs. If you want, I'll email you my bio, which was well received by some of the Argyle DMs. It's real long, you don't have to do something exactly like it, but it might help you get an idea of what they're looking for over there.

If you don't plan on playing in Argyle, then do whatever you want with your bio.

And remember....The Blades of the Banshee don't exist in Argyle yet. We're a secret over there, not yet mentioned. So don't go talking about us on their boards. Plus, we might not ever become an established guild an Argyle, as we will have to do it ingame, and it won't be easy.

Hopefully that answers most of your questions.

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2002 5:07 pm
by K0r/\/f1@k€$
Ah, I didn't realise the 3rd edition allowed that degree of customisation. Sounds like I'd better pick me up a copy.

I am planning to play in Argyle, and I'd be very interested to read your bio, so please email it to me when you have a chance.

The idea of setting the guild up ingame sounds really good and a chance for some excellent RPing :)

Posted: Sat Apr 06, 2002 6:28 pm
by average joe
Ok, this is Pranker's statement on Argyllian Character Bios. He is a DM at Argyle. You can also find this on the official Argyle message boards.
Originally, this post was made to assist the players who were developing character bio's. Many wanted to have a solid idea of what we TATers would look for in a character, and so this list was created.

Hope it helps!

Decide race, sex and class

Decide how old you want your character to be, then go look at the Argyle Timeline to figure out what experiences your character would have lived through.

Decide on an alignment.

Decide where your character was born, and where they live now. Determine how these factors would change them.

Determine what your characters goals and dreams are, keeping your alignment in mind.

Write down an account of one experience that helped shape your characters goals and put them on the path they are currently on.

Add at least one flaw to your character. A flaw that gives you strength is not a flaw.

Check to ensure you havent 'powered-up' too much. Is your character already well known? Are you the leader of an Argyle guild? Is your job title also the name of a prestige class? Do you start the game with all your problems solved? If so consider making adjustments that will allow you to acheive these things in-game. Power will be more meaningful when you have earned it.

Re-check your power level.
Feel free to keep sending those characters in to me, just remember to write them into the body of your email (not PM), I delete all mail with attachments (yeah yeah, I know you regulars have heard that a thousand times).

Also, I sent you my bio through the email link here at gamebanshee.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2002 1:48 am
by Tamerlane
If Xan got back to you. Click on the link in my sig and check out the other bios.

Disregard mine however ;) . Still waiting for Mr. Pranker to help work mine out.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2002 10:46 am
by average joe
Well, I think a lot of the bio's on the Blades homepage aren't Argyle official yet. I could be wrong though.

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2002 11:00 am
by K0r/\/f1@k€$
Do I need to be able to log in to see those bios? Because I can't find them :(

EDIT - No Xandax hasn't got back to me, so am I correct in assuming I do need to be a member first?

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2002 11:05 am
by average joe
Yes, I realized you couldn't log in yet, and that is why I emailed my bio to you. Otherwise you could've just read it on the site. Xandax will give you a username and password as soon as he can get to you.

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2002 12:31 pm
by smass
Cornflakes - Xandax just got back to me with my username and password today - It has been a few weeks since I submitted my character.

He will get to you - just be patient :)

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2002 1:36 pm
by Xandax
Originally posted by K0r/\/f1@k€$
Do I need to be able to log in to see those bios? Because I can't find them :(

EDIT - No Xandax hasn't got back to me, so am I correct in assuming I do need to be a member first?
I can not see that I've gotten a character submition from you?
If you have submitted one, please resubmit :)

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2002 3:22 pm
by K0r/\/f1@k€$
Do you want just the character or the bio as well? Because I haven't written the bio yet (as I'm asking for advice).

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2002 10:57 pm
by Xandax
Just submit what you do know - everything can be change by mail/pm'ing me.
So if you at know only the name/class and race - just submit with that info and send me a bio when you are happy with it :)