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Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2002 2:45 pm
by frogus
Even though I no-longer play warhammer myself, I did when I was a kid (alright when I was a younger kid than I am now), and I seem to see it popping up occassionally in other threads, so here's a private space for Aegis, Kayless and Robnark =whoever else is into warhammer to discuss tactics, slag off each other's chosen army and let me soak up some nostalgia from back in the day...
and noone wants to buy my converted 40k Khorne Cultist army do they? ahh..forget I ever said anything... ;)

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2002 2:54 pm
by CM
What is warhammer?

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2002 2:55 pm
by Robnark
you're not getting out of any potential insult hurling unscathed, boyo - what did *you* collect, eh?


Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2002 2:59 pm
by Robnark
Warhammer/warhammer 40,000 re strategy boardgame/ table top wargames/ whatever.

warhammer is straight up fantasy moshing, while 40k is a wierder sci-fi slaughterfest.

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2002 3:06 pm
by frogus's a table top, turn based, toy soldiers game. A strategy war game halfway between Risk and Dungons&Dragons...

@Robnark...I stopped playing when they brought out the 2nd edition of 40K, a while after the 3rd(?) edition of Fantasy Battles...Before that I had a gorgeous Chaos Cultist Army... It was before they brought out the Cultist miniatures, so my whole army was converted House Cawdor army of 80 miniatures with only 7 unconverted...including a scratch built Khorne dreadnaught made out of the plastic Imperator Titan from Titan Legions the old Epic boxed set combined with the metal was crazy, and had to be filled with more wire than Malcolm X's phones because of colosal height and weight...I was always more into painting and modelling than playing, and I stopped playing altogether with 2nd edition 40k and then stopped modelling only recent foray into it was a Noise Marine biker I made about two years ago out of that bike riding demon prince combined with several noise marines and Jane Zarr (sp?) anyway...gotta go...

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2002 4:52 pm
by Aegis
Hey Frogus, you should get back into it. They have recently redone the Fantasy rules, and they are redoing the 40k rules. Also, the new Chaos miniatures are out (and soon my cadian Plastics!).

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 1:35 am
by Kayless
The new Fantasy Battles rules are much smoother than the old ones (particularly the magic rules). And the new orc heroes rock more than any being has a right to! (a friend of mine who plays Empire feels shafted with the heroes he got Image Image) Grimgor Ironhide is basically a chaos lord without the Initiative (which is negated by his axe, which always strikes first). I've been waiting for the dude my whole fricking life! Wurzag ain't half bad either. WHFB has never been more fun (for orc players anyway). Image

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 2:38 am
by Aegis
Originally posted by Kayless
The new Fantasy Battles rules are much smoother than the old ones (particularly the magic rules). And the new orc heroes rock more than any being has a right to! (a friend of mine who plays Empire feels shafted with the heroes he got Image Image) Grimgor Ironhide is basically a chaos lord without the Initiative (which is negated by his axe, which always strikes first). I've been waiting for the dude my whole fricking life! Wurzag ain't half bad either. WHFB has never been more fun (for orc players anyway). Image
I prefer my High Elves. No other army (until the dreaded level 5 Chaos Dragon :eek: ) can match the High Elves in the magic phase, especially with Teclis behind the wheel. In addition, Tyrion is by far the most powerful hero in the game. When the twins are paired, then you know the perverbial s*** has it the fan. :D

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 5:03 am
by frogus
until the dreaded level 5 Chaos Dragon
eh? what's 'level 5'? is this a big change?
anyway...sounds like you're all FB players...has 40K really gone down the drain?
actually wait a minute...I can't remember if I stopped at the 2nd or 3rd Ed. of 40K...anyway it was the one where they standardized movement rates and made the whole thing much simpler and faster...which I didn't Bloodbowl still around? oohh my Halfling bloodbowl team were so cool ;) ....
what about necromunda? Epic? Mordheim? that one with Spaceships in? That one with Marines vs Tyranids in a space ship? any new games?
Is the Journal dead yet? Are you all more gamers than modelers? I was much more a modeller meself...

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 8:57 am
by Gruntboy
Over 10 years ago I had first edition 40K Marines, Orks, Eldar and Imperial Guard. Lots of 'em. And Epic 40K.

About 6 months ago I spotted the new LOTR miniatures. My girlfriend thought they were nice so I got some and painted them. I dug out a few Catachans I had bought about a 2 years ago and she thought they were great. I am now in the process of collecting a Blood Angels army. :D I more a painter and collecter than a gamer.

Sucked right back in!

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 10:32 am
by Aegis
I'm a modeller all the way. I curently have created an Escher Necromunda gang that is modled just like the Marines from Aleins ( :D ), and my Spyer Malcadon looks like the Predator. I think the painting aspect is a lot more fun than the gaming (thats not to say the gaming isn't fun).

Also, my custum Imperial Guard Dreadnaught (Curtosey of custom design rules) is a nasty piece of equipment when on the field (12 all round armour, twin linked las cannon, heavy flamer and Auto-cannon! :eek: )

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 1:12 pm
by Robnark

40k is NOT down the drain - i play it :rolleyes: . i'd say what you play depends on who you play against, all my mates play 40k, so i started in october. they are currently changing the third edition assault rules to make close combat a bit less confusing, and have introduced 'inquisitor' about a year (?) ago - 40k universe, very character development/story based, larger models.

Battlefleet gothic (the spaceship one) is being pushed again with new ships coming out, and tau forces are being introduced in epic.

i'm more of a collecter than a gamer (because i need practice painting & modelling to become a true modeller) but i've just finished painting my commander and a special character, and they rock like... err... rocks. :)

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 1:24 pm
by Aegis
I'm entering my Elven Lord into the Golden Demon contest this year during Gamesday Canada. Hoepfully, the dramatic pose will win something.

Basically, it's an elven lord on a large base (50 mm). His sword is raised high. undead are coming our of the ground, trying to drag him under, and zombies are staggering towards him. In addition, the paint job is incredable. Basically, I call him my Pheonix King. :D

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 3:24 pm
by Robnark
you gotta picture of it? sounds grouvy :cool:

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 3:53 pm
by K0r/\/f1@k€$
I used to play Warhammer, but no longer... My brother plays, as the High Elves, and IMO they are just far too good! The special characters look as though they can beat anything you can throw at them, and then you've got the extra ranks stuff. Not too impressed by the new rules either, although if you say that they make the game smoother and faster I'm not objecting - the main reason I gave up was because of all the little arguments that used to break out:

That's half under the template!
No way!


Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 4:44 pm
by frogus
I spotted the new LOTR miniatures
eh? arghh what's going on? LOTR miniatures?
they are currently changing the third edition assault rules to make close combat a bit less confusing
Less confusing? This is awful. I like 1st ed 40K where you even had to roll 4 dice to decide what name your Demons had :rolleyes: ....
and have introduced 'inquisitor' about a year (?) ago - 40k universe, very character development/story based, larger models.
ahhh..this is interesting. Is it like a team, necromunda style game or a big campaign?
tau forces are being introduced in epic
'tau'? was that a typo?
Basically, it's an elven lord on a large base (50 mm). His sword is raised high. undead are coming our of the ground, trying to drag him under, and zombies are staggering towards him. In addition, the paint job is incredable. Basically, I call him my Pheonix King.
Ever modest Aegis! Well I'm ****ing amazing at painting too! ;) No, not Golden Demon standard (I had a go one year :rolleyes: ), but I'm pretty good...Do you actually use that big base for games? I always stuck to small bases with maybe a charred corpse and one Marine helmet only, but my Khorne dread (the one I was on about earlier, also the miniature I entered in Golden Demon) had a ridiculous base with real slate and about six dead marines and guardsmen...
BTW what are the rules for Golden Demon Young Bloods nowadays? Does it still have to be a single plastic miniature on a small base? Is it still on in September? Shall I have another go?

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 5:58 pm
by Aegis
Not sure about the Rules for Young Bloods. I never actually entered one of those. I'm going right into the "Golden Demon" award catagorey.

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2002 11:40 pm
by Kayless
Originally posted by Aegis
I prefer my High Elves. No other army (until the dreaded level 5 Chaos Dragon :eek: ) can match the High Elves in the magic phase, especially with Teclis behind the wheel. In addition, Tyrion is by far the most powerful hero in the game. When the twins are paired, then you know the perverbial s*** has it the fan. :D
The twins are a handful (I agree that no-one really comes close to Teclis). But Tyrion isn't quite the most powerful hero. Grimgor has taken him out mano-a-mano in a duel (the duel itself was the highlight of a great 5000 point battle I played). Image
Originally posted by frogus
eh? arghh what's going on? LOTR miniatures?
You're joking. Image Games Workshop has released a LotR game (that is easy to learn and fun to play). They have some great models.
Originally posted by Gruntboy
About 6 months ago I spotted the new LOTR miniatures. My girlfriend thought they were nice so I got some and painted them.
The LotR miniatures are great. When my free Bilbo came in the mail (if you buy the starter set you can send away for it) I was determined to make it my best-painted model ever. After a lot of time, blood, and frustration it was. Image Unfortunately, I now feel that all subsequent LotR models I purchase must meet that level of quality! Image I'm going mad, but at least all my miniatures look great!Image

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2002 2:08 am
by Gruntboy

Yeah, each model I paint takes me a couple of days now. I spend weeks on a squad. I really enjoy it and find the painting very relaxing. The LOTR minis are fantastic - I am just starting to paint some of mine - I wanted to make a good job of them and have been putting it off!

@Frogus, Tau are a new race for 40K. They look sort of Battle-techish, or Manga-esque if you get my drift. Check out this.

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2002 2:15 am
by Gruntboy
BTW, I remember the original LOTR minis by citadel - that must be almost 15 years ago. This isn't the first time. :D