The best spellcaster (IMO) is ... the Wild Mage! (long)
Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2002 9:14 am
The best spellcaster (IMO) is ... the Wild Mage! (TOB spoilers, long)
slight ToB spoilers below
OK, here's my take on the Wild Mage kit. Most of this info is not new, but I wanted to give an overview of the class, all in one place. Please post here any other info on how to abuse a Wild Mage
My first impressions were bad. Nahal's Reckless Dweomer (NRD) was unreliable at low character levels and normal spells tended to surge at the worst moment (5% is higher than it seems: that's 1 in 20 spells). In one of my previous posts, my lack of enthusiasm shows.
However, after sticking with my Lawful Evil Wild Mage (straight mage imported from BG1) for a while, I've radically changed my mind. Here's why:
1) I was easily able to solo the Twisted Rune at level 12, without cheese. All I did was cast Minor Spell Turning, Chaos Shield, talk to Shangalar, run back to the entrance, use a Prot. from Undead scroll, cast Incendiary Cloud (level 8 spell) twice via NRD. That killed Shangalar, Vaxall and Revanek (the fighter).
After that, I turned invisible, walked up to the female mage, cast ANOTHER inc. cloud in her general direction, ran back away, and that was it.
The point is, it wouldn´t be possible to kill Shangalar, Vaxall and the mage (the biggest threats) so quickly without Incendiary Cloud, and I would never have been able to cast it at level 12 without being a Wild Mage.
After that, I killed Shyressa the regenerating vampire with a Disintegrate via NRD. The surge result was ... no save
(that was sheer luck).
2) As levels go up, NRD becomes more reliable. Consider a level 40 Wild Mage (yes, I removed the level cap). With Improved Chaos Shield, that's a 40+25 = 65 bonus to Wild Surge rolls. That means two thirds of the time the spell will be cast with surge roll 100 - that's "spell cast normally". The other 1/3 has mostly beneficial rolls, half of which result in "spell cast normally with such and such good effect". So, for anything to go wrong, the probability is roughly half of 1/3, that 1/6 - five out of six NRDs will go well.
3) Even if NRD fails, you can IMMEDIATELY try again - no waiting for the next round. NRD works as if you had Improved Alacrity always on.
4) You can cast Chain Contingency with NRD without fear: the surge will only happen in the next spell you cast after that. That means you can cast at least SIX contingencies in one round - thats potencially a maximum of 18 spells taking place immediately.
5) The random level adjustment is irrelevant after level 25 - all level dependent spell benefits cap at lvl 20.
6) You can recover without sleeping! Casting Limited Wish (level 7 spell, and you can cast it via NRD) gives you an option to recover low level spells - including your level 1 NRDs!
So, provided your Wis is high enough to use tip #6, your spellcaster is like a Super Sorcerer with access to a Mage's spellbook, infinite spells and no wait between castings - like Irenicus against the Cowled Wizards.
What I usually do, with high enough level, is forget all normal slots, cast 4 NRDs and use the last two NRDs to recover all 6 level 1 spells. No more sleeping to change spell selection, and no worrying about which spells I should learn. My memorized spells are (at level 40, with Circlet of Netheril) usually:
Level 1:
Level 2:
3 Chaos Shield (when Improved Chaos shields are spent)
3 Mirror Image (always handy)
Level 3:
6 Skull Trap (use with Chain contingencies via NRD, or with Improved Alacrity and Robe of Vecna - casting time 1)
Level 4:
6 Stoneskin
Level 5:
3 Breach
3 Lower Magic Resistance
Level 6:
4 Prot. from Magical Weapons
4 Prot. from Magical Energy (to use Skull Traps)
Level 7:
3 Project Image (cheese, of course)
2 Improved Chaos Shield (for better surges)
3 Limited Wish (to recover NRDs)
Level 8:
8 Horrid Wiltings (use with Chain Contingencies via NRD)
Level 9:
5 Dragon's Breaths
1 Wish (just in case - you can also cast via NRD)
In short: the Wild Mage, used properly and after a patient wait, offers the best of a Mage (spellbook flexibility) and a Sorcerer (power and convenience).
Hope that helps somebody. Replies, anyone?
slight ToB spoilers below
OK, here's my take on the Wild Mage kit. Most of this info is not new, but I wanted to give an overview of the class, all in one place. Please post here any other info on how to abuse a Wild Mage
My first impressions were bad. Nahal's Reckless Dweomer (NRD) was unreliable at low character levels and normal spells tended to surge at the worst moment (5% is higher than it seems: that's 1 in 20 spells). In one of my previous posts, my lack of enthusiasm shows.
However, after sticking with my Lawful Evil Wild Mage (straight mage imported from BG1) for a while, I've radically changed my mind. Here's why:
1) I was easily able to solo the Twisted Rune at level 12, without cheese. All I did was cast Minor Spell Turning, Chaos Shield, talk to Shangalar, run back to the entrance, use a Prot. from Undead scroll, cast Incendiary Cloud (level 8 spell) twice via NRD. That killed Shangalar, Vaxall and Revanek (the fighter).
After that, I turned invisible, walked up to the female mage, cast ANOTHER inc. cloud in her general direction, ran back away, and that was it.
The point is, it wouldn´t be possible to kill Shangalar, Vaxall and the mage (the biggest threats) so quickly without Incendiary Cloud, and I would never have been able to cast it at level 12 without being a Wild Mage.
After that, I killed Shyressa the regenerating vampire with a Disintegrate via NRD. The surge result was ... no save
2) As levels go up, NRD becomes more reliable. Consider a level 40 Wild Mage (yes, I removed the level cap). With Improved Chaos Shield, that's a 40+25 = 65 bonus to Wild Surge rolls. That means two thirds of the time the spell will be cast with surge roll 100 - that's "spell cast normally". The other 1/3 has mostly beneficial rolls, half of which result in "spell cast normally with such and such good effect". So, for anything to go wrong, the probability is roughly half of 1/3, that 1/6 - five out of six NRDs will go well.
3) Even if NRD fails, you can IMMEDIATELY try again - no waiting for the next round. NRD works as if you had Improved Alacrity always on.
4) You can cast Chain Contingency with NRD without fear: the surge will only happen in the next spell you cast after that. That means you can cast at least SIX contingencies in one round - thats potencially a maximum of 18 spells taking place immediately.
5) The random level adjustment is irrelevant after level 25 - all level dependent spell benefits cap at lvl 20.
6) You can recover without sleeping! Casting Limited Wish (level 7 spell, and you can cast it via NRD) gives you an option to recover low level spells - including your level 1 NRDs!
So, provided your Wis is high enough to use tip #6, your spellcaster is like a Super Sorcerer with access to a Mage's spellbook, infinite spells and no wait between castings - like Irenicus against the Cowled Wizards.
What I usually do, with high enough level, is forget all normal slots, cast 4 NRDs and use the last two NRDs to recover all 6 level 1 spells. No more sleeping to change spell selection, and no worrying about which spells I should learn. My memorized spells are (at level 40, with Circlet of Netheril) usually:
Level 1:
Level 2:
3 Chaos Shield (when Improved Chaos shields are spent)
3 Mirror Image (always handy)
Level 3:
6 Skull Trap (use with Chain contingencies via NRD, or with Improved Alacrity and Robe of Vecna - casting time 1)
Level 4:
6 Stoneskin
Level 5:
3 Breach
3 Lower Magic Resistance
Level 6:
4 Prot. from Magical Weapons
4 Prot. from Magical Energy (to use Skull Traps)
Level 7:
3 Project Image (cheese, of course)
2 Improved Chaos Shield (for better surges)
3 Limited Wish (to recover NRDs)
Level 8:
8 Horrid Wiltings (use with Chain Contingencies via NRD)
Level 9:
5 Dragon's Breaths
1 Wish (just in case - you can also cast via NRD)
In short: the Wild Mage, used properly and after a patient wait, offers the best of a Mage (spellbook flexibility) and a Sorcerer (power and convenience).
Hope that helps somebody. Replies, anyone?