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new ultra class experiment..Thanks prime dweller!!!

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2002 2:37 am
by UserUnfriendly
read this... ... post219339

so here is what I was thinking of as an experiment...

take kensai, run up to high level, I love the evil thaco bonsus and to hit bonus of the kensai, then convert to wildmage cleric, or wildmage druid. add druid spells you want if you pick cleric, or cleric spells if you pick druid. now nrd should allow you to cast many many earth quakes at enemy, all under acuity!!!

high level turn undead, and cleric spells will cast at correct levels, so this is looking better than the sorc kensai cleric alread, and nrd priest spells for fun!!!

best of the sorc class, combined with best of the multi class cleric mage, and kensai bonuses for whacking!!!

Thank you prime dweller!!!

this could really be the ultimate hacked pc, extending the sheer power to impossible levels, and this class could be even better than the kensai sorc uber class...

think 7 earthquakes using the acuity effects of nrd, and the sheer cheese effect could be impossible to beat....


(warning, system overloaded on pure evil...reboot, and exit...)
:D :D :D

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2002 2:46 am
by UserUnfriendly
hmm, this should work,,,,

turn kensai into cleric conjuror, add chaos shield and nrd, and imp chaos shield and sk in edwins amulet, amulet of power is great, but vocolize and mace of disrupt +2 should be fine...

you have an EVIL

kensai, with many many greater whirlwinds, savagely EVIL to hit and damage bonus, yes, I have verified the bonuses do carry over once you sk the class, add death bringer for fun,

Cleric spells and druid spells, yep, once you chain contingency earthquakes or natures beauty you are hooked...

as many spells as edwin. my god, the pure power is so evil,

:p :p :p

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2002 5:24 am
by prime_dweller
I have GOT to try that when I get home.
UserUnfriendly, if you make the experiment, let us know the results.
Long live ShadowKeeper :D

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2002 9:32 pm
by UserUnfriendly

but nrd does not give you priest spells, and I need to carefully set up and build the innate tables and add the druid spells I want, but yes, it works and it is GOOD!!!!

first of all, this really is a fighter mage cleric, and you all know how obscenely overpowered that class is. but you get some really nice perks, if you run out of chain contingency to load up cleric spells, or need that extra dragon breath, this kit rocks so hard, baby!!!

best of all, while I unload triple earthquake, or the dreaded triple righteous magic, globe of blades and aura of death, cast righteous magic and draw on holy might and become a living juggernaut class golem, able to whack anything with anything, and if the fight gets difficult, contingency imp chaos shield and start throwing dragon breaths around. pls note, I am applying TWO KITS to this god, after being the person who said this could not be done.


refining it to true despicable levels of hacking, will post directions, or saved game if you guys want...

oh man this guy, with autopause set to cast spell, rund on improved acuity ALL THE FRIGGING TIME....

Ladies and kiddies, I have the ultimate kit, without usingkit editor..

kit editor, ha, I wriggle my bottom to you, kit editor. I can do much better with plain vanilla sk...