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Will SYM Remember You When You Are Gone?
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 4:21 pm
by Yshania
No feeling sorry for yourself posts, if you have no known lasting contribution to offer up, let us see votes for other members that will always leave a smile, a hug, a tear, a flame. Legacies of SYM.
I am seeing people remembered, that I have never met. What is so special? What stands out for each and every one of you? Let us have your thoughts
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 4:42 pm
by Mr Sleep
I Like to think that the lasting impression left by yours truly is good, i have had my ups and downs but i hope generally i have not left too much bitter after thought.
There have been lots of departures over the years, some of them unfortunate, some of them necessary, i wouldn't like to say which has been the best era, i guess it is all down to what one likes best.
Why the thread Ysh?
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 4:47 pm
by Georgi
Originally posted by Mr Sleep
I Like to think that the lasting impression left by yours truly is good, i have had my ups and downs but i hope generally i have not left too much bitter after thought.
Either that or everyone will just remember that thing about your ass
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 4:49 pm
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by Georgi
Either that or everyone will just remember that thing about your ass
Especially if you keep dredging it up like the proverbial New York crocodile
Wow what a legacy... i think i could run for president on the back of this reputation
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 4:51 pm
by Yshania
Nice one Georgi!!
just the dirt I am looking for!!
welcome back!
@Sleepy - no reason other than interest, of course
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 4:53 pm
by Nightmare
"Will SYM Remember You When You Are Gone?"
.....................Probably not.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 5:03 pm
by nael
you're assuming i'd ever leave.
i don't think i've done much of anything to be remembered by. i've destroyed a few taverns, and been accused of stealing miniskirts - but that's about it
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 5:05 pm
by Waverly
I think it’s humbling to be reminded that once you depart, there may be some fond remembrance, but the forum will go on without you. I’ve seen many, many people leave dramatically, and I’m sure their post tantrum lurking was just as pitiable as the exit itself when this realization sunk in.
As for Waverly specifically… I think I’ll be remembered as the thing that goes bump in the night. Newbies years from now will be warned by the SYM ancients that if they don’t behave, Waverly may just come back to visit.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 5:05 pm
by Yshania
@Nael - bah!
Your reputation goes before you of course!
and my tavern was one of those you destroyed!!
(remembered fondly)
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 5:07 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by Waverly
I think it’s humbling to be reminded that once you depart, there may be some fond remembrance, but the forum will go on without you. I’ve seen many, many people leave dramatically, and I’m sure their post tantrum lurking was just as pitiable as the exit itself when this realization sunk in.
As for Waverly specifically… I think I’ll be remembered as the thing that goes bump in the night. Newbies years from now will be warned by the SYM ancients that if they don’t behave, Waverly may just come back to visit.
of course!
A walking legend speaks
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 5:08 pm
by Mr Sleep
Originally posted by Waverly
As for Waverly specifically… I think I’ll be remembered as the thing that goes bump in the night. Newbies years from now will be warned by the SYM ancients that if they don’t behave, Waverly may just come back to visit.
I will remember you for your intelligence and probably that picture of the sheep herder, i laughed so long at that
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 5:10 pm
by Georgi
@Sleepy See, it's not just hanging around here and being vaguely nice to people that makes you infamous - it's things like that
@Ysh happy to help
Let's see... Well I think Foul will always be remembered for his fondness of puffins... Grunty for his pantless marines... Waverly for his flames, Weasel for breaking the board, Vehemence for his entrances, Flagg for his flirting... You can tell who's gonna be remembered because people refer to them in passing all the time even when they're not around... They are immortalised in the annals of SYM, legendary heroes whose deeds will be spoken of in awe by generations of spammers to come...
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 5:16 pm
by nael
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 5:17 pm
by Georgi
Originally posted by Waverly
As for Waverly specifically… I think I’ll be remembered as the thing that goes bump in the night. Newbies years from now will be warned by the SYM ancients that if they don’t behave, Waverly may just come back to visit.
Those Dark Flames among us may remember a particular episode with the Wicked Waverly of the West and his winged Hooters girls
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 5:20 pm
by Yshania
Originally posted by nael
actually wasn't that tavern the first one erected after 9/11?
Yes it was
@Georgi - LMAO!
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 5:29 pm
by Gwalchmai
I would like to be remembered for some of the more fanciful posts I've made in the Dark Flames threads, but I doubt it. I'm sure to be remembered by the friends I've made here - some of whom I feel closer to than to some of my RL friends. I, however, never really made any huge impact on SYM at large, so my name will not be spoken in hushed whispers for years to come. Unlike Waverly, of course.
I have noted much the same trend that Waverly has. Those who make dramatic exits are often found meekly posting again weeks or months later. Either that, or they are soon forgotten. Note to self: Never stage a dramatic exit.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 5:41 pm
by Georgi
Originally posted by Gwalchmai
I would like to be remembered for some of the more fanciful posts I've made in the Dark Flames threads
While SYM as a whole wouldn't remember that, I'm sure the DFs do
Who else could take on a demon with a baseball bat?
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 5:51 pm
by Witch King
My fondest memories, as a lot of ours are, are of a time when I was getting to know the various personalities, weeding out the chaff and forming a niche (albeit an unstable, unsavoury one) for myself. I had a blast making ridiculous comments and attacking ridiculous people --- the ones who took me seriously are the ones who, when they posted anything again, I knew I could skip over and not read, and never miss anything. I get profoundly tired of people taking things personally on an internet board for god's sake...Likewise, I searched for posts from certain members to see what mayhem they were intending. They are the folks who presented novel ideas that were imaginative and unbelievably ROTFFLMFAOTTCHSI
So, the members in the group I'm fondest of know who they are. If you are not sure yourself and think you're not in it-
consider yourself lucky. It is an ill thing to keep company and have a strong rapport with Fouldwimmerlaik....
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 5:51 pm
by Weasel
Time fades and memories do too. I graduated in a class of 110...nowadays I can remember 30 of them by name. 13 years and 80 of them are forgotten...why? Time and only so much info can be stored.
Do I want to be remembered?? Most likely not.
Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2002 5:55 pm
by Witch King
Originally posted by Weasel
Do I want to be remembered?? Most likely not
Who are you again?