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Berserker BUG!!! in asian pacific version?!

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 9:26 pm
by netsev
I have two versions of BG2 one was brought from the US by a friend and another I bought here recently.

I have played the US version b4 I installed and played the Aussie version and it there are subtle differences, for one I'm having SO much more trouble with the bugs in the aussie version for one the berserker bug/multiple messenger boys appearing/strange disappearances of items(no it wasn't cos of earthquake, etc) it basically sux. and yes I've patched my game.

I can't believe there could be so much different in a game cos they modify bits to suit different regions...

I'm a little tick that my dwaven berserker's "Enrage" ability doesn't seem to stop him from getting held or stunned

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2002 10:45 pm
by Sojourner
Download the Berserker Enrage Stun Immunity Fix from Baldurdash. As for the multiple-messenger spawn, I've experienced this with the US version, too. Make sure you update your video and sound card drivers, as well as DirectX.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 9:43 am
by netsev
Baldurdash patches?

I've heard about Baldurdash patches but always was a little reluctent about install these unofficial(as far as I know) patches.
Especially considering that the latest official bg2 patches are more recently dated.

Are they reliable? would installing any of these patches cos other problems to pop up in the game? or even outside of the game?


Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 10:14 am
by decadurabolin
Me thinks they are reliable, and they fix bugs that official patches don't.

Thus far, they never caused me any problems.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 11:08 am
by Sojourner
Not to mention some of the Baldurdash patches were incorporated into the official ToB patch. ;)