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Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 2:12 am
by Severoth
Its amazing what you can find tucked away in strange huddled corners of the web these days :)

Had a flick through your guild site and its looking very neat and tidy. Going to be nice to seeing you all playing in Argyle. And so many members here I know, or recognize.

Anyway, just thought I would drop by and say hello, and I must add I will visit reguarly as well :)

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 2:17 am
by Tamerlane
Why hello Mr. Severoth.

What a pleasant suprise :D .

Yes we have invaded the Ruminations board a long time ago, but you won't spoil our secret? ;)

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 2:21 am
by Severoth
I can respect

your reasons for keeping your guild quiet, and would not dream of having your secrets revealed.

And I would worry about other people finding your way here, some members hooked onto the SOS site and I just followed the links back here, when Rhino posted where people were coming from :)

Thats how I found you ;)

And anyway, Im good friends with a fair few of the members here. Especially Rail, and now Saigo :D

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 2:24 am
by Tamerlane
Personally I'm not fussed if people find out about us prior to NWN release. I was just trying to sound all important :o :D

Hope you pop in more often, Rhino used to stop by. But I guess the workload must be keeping him busy.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 2:27 am
by Severoth
I will lurk here alot

whilst I slave away for that great horned beast :D

Its nice to see a real roleplaying based guild in Argyle, I was worried that the only guilds would be more shallow based ones that arent really roleplayers. Its nice to have a reason to have my fears set to peace.

BTW Tamerlane why arent you in our chat channel?

Shame on you....

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 2:31 am
by Tamerlane
I know, I know

I really should get Mirc, but I'm still recoverying from the effects with ICQ. :(

But I'm not going to let this oppurtunity pass without asking a question that's been bugging me lately.

How many Aussie players do you know of being in Argyle. I wouldn't mind playing in the afternoon for once, instead of late at night. ;)

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 2:36 am
by Severoth

Well you have me :)

And also Draath is an aussy, though I doubt I will have much to do with him.

There is also Tsunamii I believe. There are a few other australians I believe that are members of Argyle though they dont post.

Not sure if you will want to adventure with me though :(

You know what I am hehe.....

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 2:41 am
by Tamerlane
A combination of fear and excitement begins to set in...

I guess we shall meet when the time is ready then :D

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 2:44 am
by Severoth
Fear and Excitement....

Yes, it shall be an interesting meeting one that I am sure we will both remember for a long time. Because it would have to be an interesting set of circumstances for us to meet. I dont usually sit in a tavern unless Im on business.....

And if Im on business well, I take my business very very seriously.

Its so fun being the top nasty guy in a world, I just hope I can live up to a decent level to make it interesting for everyone ;)

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 2:51 am
by Tamerlane
Re: Fear and Excitement....
Originally posted by Severoth
Its so fun being the top nasty guy in a world, I just hope I can live up to a decent level to make it interesting for everyone ;)
Yes, well its a tough job, but someone had to do it I guess. ;)

I must run now, thanks for popping in. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 3:15 am
by Xandax

Well Sev. - you have busted us, as one(the?) first from Argyle, you have found us.
Otherwise a very select few knows of us.

But now that you are here - I expect your input on several threads as payment for the knowlegde about us :D

And as you will know by browsing the boards - our main reason for keeping us secret is to avoid metagaming in Argyle (ei. competition amongs guilds :) )

So see you around Sev., in here, Argyle or IRC :)

EDIT: Btw Sev. you said you fond us through SOS - but how, I couldn't see any links toward GB :)

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 3:32 am
by Midnight
Tamerlane: Im an Aussie! And i'll be playing in arglye all sorts of times, so i should be able to meet up with most every now and then....

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 5:59 am
by Severoth
Info ehhh...

Be a pleasure to help you out. Of course it may cost you ;)

We can discuss that part in game though, if you ever need any dirty laundry you will be able to drop hints for me around....

I will be paying attention in the underworld of Argyle, trust me. Put the word out and I should be able to come to you.

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 7:21 am
by Nippy
Hi Severoth,

Although it's good that the secrets been kept for as long as it has, I'm afraid I'm going to have to kill you for the knowledge you possess. Either that or you sign an official secrets act. :D :D

Anyway, good to see you here, and I'd like to see your input on some of are discussions. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 7:34 am
by average joe
What's up Sev. Nice to see you over here. I'm Saien McGerney by the way. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2002 7:50 am
by Rail
Sev! It's good to see your friendly face, er..., well, it's good to see you around here! :D

I thought you'd find a few you recognized here. ;) Please feel free to comment and add input to whatever we're doing here. We ARE still on a public board, so we can't be THAT secret, but until we actually exist in Argyle, we'll avoid making the guild a topic on those boards.