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saving problems

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 9:31 pm
by gambit69
i'm having problems saving. everytime i try it say's that i'm in the middle of combat and i've moved from section to section and haven't been able to save. anyway to get this to stop or find out where i'm suppose to be fighting? thanx. :)

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 11:26 pm
by Aragorn Returns
where exactly are you? for future reference: the more detail you give when you ask a question the more likely it is you will get a helpfull response.

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 11:26 pm
by UserUnfriendly
try resting...

running xp? patch it via bioware...

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 4:33 am
by gambit69
firs i have rested at an inn and nothing. second I'm runninf win 98. and third location doesn't matter because i've tried to go in to the bridge district and tried saving then i went into the slums and nothing then i went into the tepml area and nothing and a few other places and it still won't let me save.

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 7:14 am
by gambit69
this occured while i was in the slums fighting vampires. i took out the vampires and got the ring for the church and then i went to save and it told me that i can't because i was in combat. I've rested move to different sections and still cant save. i can't tell if the game is auto saving or not because that would mean that i would have to clear out the current data.

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 8:14 am
by Beldin
I had a similar problem - if you summoned up some skeletons (or other fodder to take the beating) the game won't let you safe until they have vanished.

The problem is if you summoned something, and left the area, they will "wait there" until you return - even if it's after resting. If you return to the area of the summonings (i..e where the fight was) you get the message that "xxxx vanished" (I can't remember the exact wording). THEN I was able to save again.

I hope that helps.

No worries,

Beldin :cool:

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 8:20 am
by gambit69
well i don't think it was a summoning problem because if i did i would have had wizard problems too. when i did go back to the slums i did notice that the fight music was still playing. i sat there for a minute and the music changed back to normal and then i was able to save.

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 8:54 am
by Baldursgate Fan
Originally posted by gambit69
well i don't think it was a summoning problem because if i did i would have had wizard problems too. when i did go back to the slums i did notice that the fight music was still playing. i sat there for a minute and the music changed back to normal and then i was able to save.
It could be that you finished a fight and left the area before the game "registered" the info. This happened to me on several occasions where I was eager to move on to the next quest.

The problem was partially resolved when I did a full install and load times became noticeably faster.
