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Just a little question.

Posted: Mon Apr 15, 2002 10:38 pm
by Mr. Furious
Is there any way to change the character order in the bottom right-hand corner? I mean, after grabbing the sword the the Cold Crypt, my Paladin (who was blue) froze and released Eadred. Then I had Eadred grasp the sword, thus freezing again andd releasing my Paladin. But he's now at the end (orange) instead of the begining (blue). How can I change this, short of grabbing the sword five more times?

Posted: Tue Apr 16, 2002 3:18 am
by Demis
You cannot change the order of your party, either kick everyone from your party and have them join again in the order you what or try the sword thing 5 more times. :)

Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2002 5:41 am
by Slaine
changing order

There is a way of doing this in the manual. I have done it but can't remember exactly how.

Hope this helps