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Question on party formation

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2002 1:39 pm
by Aubrey
Hi there!

It's my second time through BG and my question is about having both Kivan and Coran in my party. Let me explain a bit:

The first time the party was consisted of my pc (fighter), Minsc (& Boo, of course!), Dynaheir, Imoen, Coran and Branwen. It was a very nice party and worked wonders for me.

Since I know magic doesn't play so great a part --at least, not as great as in SoA-- I was wondering whether it would be nice to have both Coran and Kivan in my party. My party so far has been formed by the usual suspects. The only difference is that my pc is a ranger and I've got Kivan, who is very good but not so good as Coran --the latter has a dexterity of 19, if I remember well.

What else...? Mmm... Imoen has been dual-classed to Mage, and I'm thinking of "killing" somehow Dynaheir. The only drawback is the final battle with Sarevok... :-(

What do you think? Especially you who have played the game more than twice? Any comments are greatly appreciated.


Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2002 2:46 pm
by Sojourner
It sounds like a good party to me. :) While Kivan's DEX is not as high as Coran's, he does get the racial bonus for bows. Arrows are so effective in this game! Be sure to pick up Kivan as soon as you can, so you can better allocate his proficiency points.

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2002 4:09 pm
by Skuld
Also IIRC Kivan is one of the only(or even the only) NPC with 18/xx strength, which is also a plus. And he's always been my fav NPC. And he's always got a bow.

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 1:02 am
by Aubrey
@ Sojourner -- Which party you mean: the present one or the one I'm thinking of forming after "killing"Dynaheir"??
I've already started the game and Kivan has already joined the party.

@ Skuld --I know what you mean by saying that Kivan is your favourite... But my favourite BGI NPC is Coran, and I'm trying to find a way to have him join my party... ;)


Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 6:17 am
Ive got Kivan and Coran in my party, both r gud and worth it, never have Minsc, his stats r terrible.

Get Kaigan instead.

Posted: Thu Apr 18, 2002 6:30 am
by Aubrey
I had tested Minsc in my first time through the game and he was very good --better than in SoA.

My problem is whether I'm going to need a second mage in the final battle and in Ugorth's Tower as well. About the latter though, I remember Coran's bow working marvellous...


Posted: Fri Apr 19, 2002 9:12 am
by Sojourner
Originally posted by UncleScratchy
In fact, this whole game is easily won with ranged weapons.
Ranged weapons are really powerful in this game. My solo fighter-thief won the battle against Sarevok by using arrows of detonation and dispelling.

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2002 2:49 am
by Aubrey

Actually I was looking for someone to convince me why I shouldn't "kill" Dynaheir. Obviously, I had already decided on this party formation. ;)

UncleScratchy and Sojourner:

Yeap, you're right. The whole game can be easily won by just using ranged weapons. Just imagine that the only member of my party not using a bow is Branwen!

As for the final battle with Sarevok, I had also approached from the left, but I don't remember a lot of the happening afterwards. I've been in a state of panic... :rolleyes:


Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 12:15 am
by Sojourner
Re: Re: Thanks!
Originally posted by UncleScratchy

Dynaheir is an okay mage. If you need one, she'll do fine. If you've dualed Imoen to a mage then you can do without Dynaheir. I usually use her if I pick up Minsc - I like her better than the other evil, depressing or crazy mages the game offers.
I find Xan's dialogs funny, but his main drawback is the inability to cast invocation spells. Quayle reminds me of Jan Jansen - put him in a group with Khalid and see for yourself. :D

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 2:18 am
by Sojourner
Quayle is amusing. If I recall correctly (it's been awhile since I've played with a party), he also bugs Ajantis, and a few others. One of his rare-select dialogs had me ROFL. He's not as well-developed as Jan, but then none of the BG1 characters are developed like they are in BG2. He's a decent mage but his WIS is a bit low for a cleric.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 2:51 am
by Stilgar
But his wisdom (with the tomb(s)) is high enough to cast the nescesairy (i hope i spelled it correct) healing spells

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 5:19 pm
by Aubrey
If you are to have a really good fighter then it's Minsc (& Boo)! Khalid is kinda p-p-pathetic! Let alone having Jaheira giving orders... :rolleyes: I suppose, being married to a bossy lady as Jaheira must be a t-t-traumatic experience :p

As for Quayle, I haven't tried him, but I doubt he'd be so amusing as Jan.


Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2002 4:52 am
by Astafas
If you don't mind using GateKeeper, you can fetch Quayle right away (as you can with most NPCs). It's not like he takes part of the storyline or anything. I've often changed him into a pure illusionist, but he does alright as multi, too. Not to forget, he has the best dialogues of them all.