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Nalia won't level up

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2002 7:39 pm
by LosPantalones5
For some reason Nalia will not level up in her theif skills. I have had her since the middle of chapter 2 and am now halfway through the underdark. I've done a whole bunch of sidequests and for some reason, her theif skill will not level up and she has stayed at 4(or 5, I don't remember) the whole game. Her mage level is level 14, so I know she's getting experience. Could someone help me out?

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2002 8:25 pm
by Mr Flibble
Nalia is a dual classed thief / mage, not multiclassed. Her thief skills will never get any better than this.

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 12:45 am
by UserUnfriendly
immie is almost impossible to hack into a mult thief mage, but never tried nalia, the trick is the game engien thinks only elves are multi, so if you turn her elven it might work...make her half way decent theif...

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 9:41 am
by LosPantalones5
Reply to Mr Pibbles(or whatever)

I asked my nextdoor neighbor if she could fix the problem, and she didn't have any clue why...because Nalia does level up in her game, so Mr Pibbles(or Fibbles, or whatever), you are wrong!

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2002 9:54 am
by Sojourner
Once you've dual-classed a character, that character no longer gains experience in his/her first class, so Mr Flibble is indeed correct. Your neighbor either did not properly understand what you were asking, or she has hacked Nalia.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 4:12 am
by Baldursgate Fan
Re: Reply to Mr Pibbles(or whatever)
Originally posted by LosPantalones5
I asked my nextdoor neighbor if she could fix the problem, and she didn't have any clue why...because Nalia does level up in her game, so Mr Pibbles(or Fibbles, or whatever), you are wrong!
You see, Mr LosPantalones5, it works this way; you can make a point without being offensive in anyway. I have read Mr Flibble's post; he has not said anything that could possibly rub you the wrong way from what I have read. For all intents and purposes, he was trying to help.

Playing around with people's names, as early as in your 4th post at that, won't exactly endear you in a hurry to the community in general, and the moderators in particular. I would read the Forum Rules if I were you and save the smart-aleck flaming comments for another forum.

As for your question, Sojourner is right. What she has said is in the manual.

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2002 6:15 pm
by LosPantalones5
Well, the only real reason i messed w/his name wuz because i couldn't exactly remember it. Mr Flibbles, i am sorry if i made you mad, and Baldurs Gate fan; you were right, i was getting defensive, and i shouldn't have. i was just angry at the fact that i wasted my chance of getting back w/imoen for the sake of keeping nalia(who at that time had higher mage skills)