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Help wanted: in Irenicus dungeon lvl2.
Posted: Wed May 01, 2002 8:09 am
by lord of Darkness
in Irenicus Dungeon lvl2 i cant kill the 4 elementel portals to stop the Mephits from coming,i can kill the Mephits in the portals but not the elemental??????they keep coming......
is there something i do wrong?
have full install bg2 unpatcht.
Posted: Wed May 01, 2002 8:22 am
by Sojourner
That's very odd. Are you sure you can't kill the memphit portals?
Posted: Wed May 01, 2002 8:57 am
by TheDude
IIRC u can't hit them with arrows or magic u must use swords to kill them.
Posted: Wed May 01, 2002 8:59 am
by Sojourner
I've been able to take them out with missile weapons.
Posted: Wed May 01, 2002 10:54 am
by lord of Darkness
not with swords,
must destroy the 4 cages and then open the 2doors with key thats inside chest???or talk with body on table?
cant lockpick the 2 doors.
thanks for help.
Posted: Wed May 01, 2002 10:59 am
by Sojourner
Yes, you must kill the Memphit portals (the cages). The doors are open - you don't need to lockpick them. Keep the keys for later - you will see where you will need them.
Posted: Thu May 02, 2002 9:15 am
by lord of Darkness
cant kill the portals-cages- kill the merphit inside cages not the cages....
kill cages with long swords?
its not so easy with the merphits coming.
i have another question:must Thaco positief,30 or negatief -6 for a kensai kit?
what does thaco to a kensai-kit?
ps:its the first time i play bg2 sorry for my noob questions?
all help,info post it here plz.
thx for help.
Posted: Thu May 02, 2002 9:53 am
by GNGSpam
key is ignoring the mephits all together and JUST going for the portals. When you kill a portal the appropiate mephit for it will also die.
i have another question:must Thaco positief,30 or negatief -6 for a kensai kit?
Im not sure what youre asking so ill just throw out a random answer and hope I get it =)
Yes a negative THACO is desirable. THACO is a measure of your ability to hit something. I wont bother explaining how the die rolls work in ADD, its not overly important (unless you want me too), what is important is that the lower the THACO the easier time you have to hit someone. Thats one advantage of the Kensai class which gets a bonus reducing its THACO.
Hope I managed to give you some answer you might have been looking for
Posted: Fri May 03, 2002 4:40 pm
by lord of Darkness
yes the ansers are helping me.
great forum here.
Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 4:20 am
by lord of Darkness
thx for help now i aim in chapter3 and wow bg2 is a great game.
thx from a new bg2 fan from belgium,europe and sorry for my bad engish.