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How do you use alchemy?

Posted: Fri May 03, 2002 10:48 pm
by rarehero2k

Posted: Sat May 04, 2002 7:18 pm
by Zantax
First get at least a mortar and pestle. Drop it on your paperdoll. This brings up the alchemy screen. There will be four blank boxes. Clicking one will bring up all the herbs in your inventory. To make a potion you must use 2 ingredients that have the same effect, like restore health or whatever. You can drop in stacks at a time to reduce finger strain ).

The other alchemy items are alembic, calcinator(weighs 25lbs!) and a retort. Hope that helps.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:34 am
by Ragin Cajun
I'm just starting to play this game so checking some of the older posts for stuff that might help...

I've gotten this far with alchemy. But is there no way to sort the ingredients to see which ones have similar buffs without scrolling through the entire list every time?

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 7:48 am
by galraen
Ragin Cajun wrote:I'm just starting to play this game so checking some of the older posts for stuff that might help...

I've gotten this far with alchemy. But is there no way to sort the ingredients to see which ones have similar buffs without scrolling through the entire list every time?
Not in the vanilla game, there are some mods that are a great help though. This is one area where Oblivion beats Morrwind.

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 9:08 am
by Ragin Cajun
OK. I have a low alchemy to start and can't see even a single buff the ingredients supply.

I noticed, playing around with the M&P, that sometimes two ingredients will actually put the name of a potion in the alchemy screen...I am guessing this means that they both have a similar buff and will create that potion.

I further notice two things..
1. When the thing does work, it doesn't always create a potion..sometimes you fail. Is that right? (Oblivions wins this one if
2. Sometimes, even when the name of a potion appears in the Alchemy window, it tells me I have to input my name (assuming the potion name). However the name is there and it won't create/fail on the potion. What gives?

Posted: Mon May 10, 2010 11:53 am
by galraen
Failure is very likely at low level, in my opinion that is better than the guaranteed success in Oblivion, the character's skill should matter.

I'd recommend buying skill points off Ajira, after completing her quests and maxing her disposition (it matters). Get your skill up to 30+ as soon as possible, that's true of most skills in Morrowind, the break point is 33, you'll notice that with spell schools too. A minimum cost spell, such as Walk on Water for 11 seconds, which cost 1 point, will reach 100% success at 33.

PS As for pint 2, this is a glitch, just exit the alchemy screen and start again and it should be OK.