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Encoutered 1763 in VoS

Posted: Sat May 04, 2002 8:12 pm
by GaryH
I have encountered a 1763 error and tried to fix it using the UK patch downloaded from Interplay's website. However, after installing, it does not seem to correct the error.

Detail of problem:

I'm currently making my way through the VALE OF SHADOWS and discovered when I entered 1 of the crypt (area 2 on the walkthrough to be specific) which was crucial to enter to get a key, suddenly, the loading bar stops! It seems to me that the cd-rom is trying process the data, but somehow is unable to do so, when I removed the CD and replaced it again, the game shuts down, PROMPTING A 1763 ERROR. Hence, I am unable to proceed on.

Would appreciate help
Thank You

Posted: Sat May 04, 2002 8:27 pm
by T'lainya
First of all do you have IWD or IWD and HoW installed?
1.Is the cd clean? No scratches etc? Also is the patch the latest version?
2. Try deleting the files in the cache, Temp and tempsave folders, they sometimes get corrupted.
3. If that doesn't work, save your savegame files and try a reinstall.
If I think of any other suggestions I'll post them :)

Posted: Sat May 04, 2002 9:01 pm
by GaryH
First of all, there's only 1 patch and no other versions of it could be found. I've tried reinstalling the game but still to no avail....... argh!!!..... thanks alot anyway.

Posted: Sat May 04, 2002 9:20 pm
by T'lainya
I was doing a little research on the error you mentioned. It seems that it's not uncommon. One of the other things mentioned was to reinstall using a different install version (if you have full installation, try mininmum or if you have minimum try full).
Someone else with the error installed the 1.06 patch and the UK patch(he had the UK version)
Another person returned the disc to the store and exchanged it, apparently the disc itself was corrupted.
Sorry, I wish I could be more help.
edit: the error seems to be a corrupted file according to the troubleshooting on BIS

Posted: Sat May 04, 2002 9:34 pm
by GaryH
Hmmm, i've also tried that. When I initally installed, i encountered an error when I chose the full installation, hence, i only managed to install using the recommended installation.

Anyway, I think I could skip the area.....if I could get the code to create the key, i think thats possible right (CHEATERSDOPROSPER: CreateItemXXX)?... The only thing is that i'm missing the code, do you happen to have it or something?

Thanks again

Posted: Sat May 04, 2002 9:46 pm
by T'lainya
The code you want is KEYGATE :)

Posted: Sun May 05, 2002 8:39 am
by GaryH
Oops, forgot to thank you...........thanks. But unfortunately for me, encountered that error again, and this time, i cant skip that part, guess i've to change the CD. Thanks once again.

Posted: Sun May 05, 2002 10:24 am
by T'lainya
You're welcome :)
Sorry it didn't work.

Posted: Thu May 09, 2002 11:55 pm
by GaryH
Pls help....damend fed up! I've changed the discs, but still, i encountered this error!!! i've tried installing the uk patch and 1.06 patch as well. I'm currently in Black Wolf temple level 1, approaching level 2, however, the loading screen hangs when i entered the door... is there any remedy on this, is there anyway which i can teleport myself to level 2?.. i.e, using the cheatersdoprosper thing? or something like that?

Thanks again for the trouble...

Posted: Fri May 10, 2002 4:30 am
by Sojourner
@GaryH - try reposting your problem in Black Isle's Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter Troubleshooting forum.

Don't forget to post the following information:
  • Operating System
  • Processor (CPU) type and speed
  • Amount of RAM
  • Graphics card and driver version
  • Sound card and driver version
  • Free hard drive space on the drive where Icewind Dale is installed
If you don't know how to get the above info, download the SysInfo Tool available here and follow the directions.

Be sure to mention what type install of IWD you have, what patches you have installed and whether you have either of the expansions. Describe your problem in detail and what you have tried to fix it.

Posted: Fri May 10, 2002 11:02 am
by GaryH
Hey, thanks alot!... er.... but i've ready done that quite awhile ago.. and they said they need around 4-6 days to reply!!! .....haizz...but nvm anyway, thanks...