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walking without holding down w

Posted: Sun May 05, 2002 10:09 am
by dave1112
Is there a way to just keep walking (or running) without holding down a key? i.e. to just toggle you into "walkiing" mode, so you keep walking until you press another key?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2002 12:38 pm
by Zantax
Yes there is, unfortunately I don't know what key it is as it happened by accident during a battle and I somehow managed to get it back off without evr knowing what kley caused it. Pretty sure it is in the upper left part of the keyboard though.

Posted: Sun May 05, 2002 3:12 pm
by Tackon D'wall
It's the caps lock key by default. You can also go into controls under options and change all the controls to be what you want. I changed all mine quickly cause I don't like them all being spread out on the keyboard :(

Posted: Sun May 05, 2002 8:52 pm
by Biljac
I think he is asking if there is an autorun or autowalk. The caps lock switches you between run and walk. I also wish there was some way to walk/run without holding down the key. Anyone know of a way?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2002 9:10 pm
by Tackon D'wall
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I just changed my options lastnight and saw that in there... I must've thought it was something it wasn't... haven't tried it yet though :D

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 3:57 pm
by dave1112
Yeah, I new about caps lock. what I'm interested in is a key that I can press, and I start and continue to walk. Then when I want to stop a press that key again, or something like that.

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 5:32 pm
by fable
No control for auto-movement, no.

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 5:39 pm
by Bitex
There should have been though, like in Anarchy Online.
You walk so immensely much in this game it would be a huge plus to be able to give the middle finger a rest..and give someone the finger with it or something useful. Hope someone includes it in a near-future patch..guess I could try give some feedback to Bethsoft too..whenever the site is working properly over there.

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 6:08 pm
by Tackon D'wall
I wonder what's up with that... they have a great game that's selling to a TON of people and they can't get a decent website? I mean I know it's generating alot of traffic but the slowness of the site is REALLY bad. Well, at least it's a website and not alot of bugs in the game. I haven't run into any problems with freezing or booting like I did a TON of times with DS.

A boss of Microsoft gave me a call this morning though and apologized for not being able to come up with a solution to my problems with the game but told me to send in the game and they'd refund my $$$ no problems. He also said if I send in a copy of my phone bill they'd pay for the time I called them also.

I was floored, but that just showed me how much they care and stand behind their products. :D

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 8:11 am
by Literatii

The game really needs this. I can't play it for more than a couple hours without getting carpal burn.

I wonder if there is any way to create an item to do this before my arm falls off.


Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 8:40 am
by smass
If you have slightly concave keys on your keyboard you could simply place a heavy marble or round stone on the w key to hold it down ;) .

Really - what happened to common sense anyway? LOL :D :D

Seriously - I remapped the keys to have my right mouse button control moving forward - this is how I always play in first person shooters and allows me to control virtually all my movement from the mouse.

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 9:26 am
by Zantax
Ditto. Right mouse key to walk, middle mouse key to activate, left mouse key default.

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 10:30 am
Originally posted by dave1112
Yeah, I new about caps lock. what I'm interested in is a key that I can press, and I start and continue to walk. Then when I want to stop a press that key again, or something like that.
Sometimes I remap the "forward" key to the left CTRL button and then tape the button down. Its a hassle though. I wonder if you could do something with "stickykeys" you know, in windows?

Good idea about the mouse remapping guys. My left hand has been getting worked in this game for sure - the default stealth key really really sucks. However the right mouse button is pretty important - where do you map that to?

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 10:48 am
by Ned Flanders
this is the mapping I did

right mouse - run
mouse wheel scroll down - menus
mouse wheel scroll up - ready weapon

that's all i've changed so far. none of them may be permanent

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 11:08 am
Hey Ned, hows it going?

A quick update: Stickykeys does work within the game. You enable it in Accessability options on the Windows Control Panel, and then you can make shift, ctrl, and windows keys sticky. Remap Forward in the game to shift or control, and you have the key you hit one to start walking and once to stop. Unfortunately you can't also have a key that makes you walk like the normal walk key at the same time. I am going to use this when I need to just walk and walk, but I will also use it for Stealth i think so that I don't have to hold down the key the whole time - I use shift for stealth.

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 4:58 pm
by Bitex
Very interesting :) I always wondered what the real point with Stickykeys I found a purpose!! But I'm sure we could make bethsoft stick (hah!) a perm-walk key into the next patch if enough people ask for it. Hopefully some randomized quests would be there too.. Kinda boring to start over when you botch your character and do all the exact same quests all over again in the start..more like daggerfall perhaps..but not TOO much like daggerfall please.

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 7:38 pm
by Literatii

Hmm. What OS is StickyKeys in? I have Win98.

I tried remapping to right mouse button but it's too weird in a fight with a character that has a fast weapon (like short-blade).

I found another way around it: create an item with +50 Speed and +50 Athletics. Then running becomes pretty short :D


Posted: Wed May 08, 2002 12:20 am
by Tackon D'wall
WOW, at what level can you create items like that? That sounds incredibly TOUGH :D