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RP'ing Morrowind - Yay or nay?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 5:16 pm
by Tackon D'wall
I pointed out to the Mods of this forum that I thought it'd be a GREAT idea if we setup a RP'ing Morrowind area and they told me it sounded like a great idea and to post my opinions and see if it attracted a crowd of others that'd like the same thing I'm guessing.

Soooo, if u'd like a RP'ing Morrowind area made for us characters to just chat and RP a little just for FUN please reply. Even if u're not playing the game yet but would like to RP and get yourself started before you get the game please reply also.

I'm just looking to make a FUN thread where characters may not see eye to eye on things but we're all just here to.

BTW, stay away from my tower in Seyda Neen cause you never know where I may be cause I sick army of death on you or paralyze you in place. I also have partial ownership in the pawn brokers residence in Balmora. I killed the man but I'm not taking it as a prime residence I just want to store and use some stuff there :D

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 6:24 pm
by smass
I'm interested. It would serve two good purposes - 1 - it would provide us a chance to discuss issues in character 2 - it would clean up this section for more "to the point" posts.

Seems most of the threads degrade to chat/spam - I am guilty of this myself so please don't take it wrong ;) . - Just the enthusiasm for the game and some real roleplaying - I think there would be a lot of interest in the RP morrowind area.

My 2 cents

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 6:46 pm
by Tackon D'wall
Well, just to let you know I'm looking to take some spam away from the normal boards and more it more over to the RP section. I'm not looking for spoilers or any info really... just good old fun and chat :p

So just to let you know I would think there is going to be LOTS of spam in this area if it happens but it'll be people messing with each other and talking about themselves (characters) so it would be fun I think :D

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 11:44 am
by Vas
Yeah man that sounds awesome. Finally Un'zabbrotanopp Zinshwanze (my super-strong fighter dark-elf) can make some friends!! :D

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 4:15 pm
by Tackon D'wall
I must ask... how in the heck did you come up with a name like that and does it have a meaning or was it created in not so sane a moment? :D :p

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 5:35 pm
by SloppyNuts
Yes. friends need Sha'akra, not slavemaster friends no. Sha'akra serve good not steal chat nice with new friends, that is you.
Sha'akra happy lizard.

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 8:41 pm
by Vas
Originally posted by Tackon D'wall
I must ask... how in the heck did you come up with a name like that and does it have a meaning or was it created in not so sane a moment? :D :p
I am the master of the Saphire Griddle of Naming-coming-upping-with + 18 it alows me to bend my not so superior intelect to create names like that!! Un'zabbrotanopp Zinshwanze is pleased that you like his family name!! He says that he even likes you: "I like Him", maybee if he likes you enough he bake you some GiantSpider muffins!! Yummm!!