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Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 10:45 pm
by Tackon D'wall
I can't seem to soultrap to save my life. I've done it the way they say in the book but everytime I try it tells me it can't find a target.

It says in the book to soultrap before you fight the creature and then after it dies it'll be in u're soulgem. Well, I've tried several ways and I have the magika to do it cause it only takes 100 and I have 130 and it's not failing cause right after I cast it on someone they turn and start attacking me.

If anyone has been able to soultrap PLEASE explain exactly how you do it. The only thing I can think of is that you can't do it in town maybe.

I even tried attacking and paralyzing first so it can't miss but still no dice. I am DYING to soultrap someone :cool:

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 10:46 pm
by fable
As I recall, the spell (like all other spells in Morrowind) has a sharp time limit. You really need to cast it right before you kill something.

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 10:50 pm
by Tackon D'wall
Aye, you get like 60 seconds and I was in position and ready to kill but all it keeps telling me is that it can't find a target and the guy is straight in front of me.

Maybe you misunderstood me... I tried it once when the person was in front of me and when it said there was no target I attacked it paralyzing it and cast it again... still it said it couldn't find a target and there was no way the guy dodged the spell.

Fable, have you ever tried to soultrap before?

Posted: Mon May 06, 2002 11:09 pm
by fable
Yeah, but not since Daggerfall. :( You had the soul gem in your hand, right? I don't know what else to suggest. Perhaps somebody has some experience on this to offer.

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 12:14 am
by Zantax
I have done a fair amount of enchanting.

First off you do not need to have the soul gem in your hand, in inventory works fine.

I am guessing you are having one of two problems.

1. You don't have the right kind of soulgem for the job. You can't squeeze an ancestor ghost soul into a petty gem, you need a common or better one.

2. I have not been able to capture souls of non monsters(npc's) so far.

Hope that helps.

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 12:17 am
by Tackon D'wall
aye, that helps... cause I was trying it on a NPC commoner in town. Muhahahahahahaha, how much I hate commoners, especially Argonians :D :p