Enchant, Alchemy, and Armorer Skills (As well as a few hints)
Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 10:53 am
Hey guys, I have a few questions about the three tradeskills or creation skills or whatever u wanna call 'ems. Oh, and a few tips for anyone that wants them (skip to bottom for tips). Oh yeah, one last thing. Whoever wrote that tip on skill gaining...thanks a ton, now I can finally get my char to increase in INT, tho I'm gonna have to remake him for the 3rd damn time...grrr. I'm talking about whoever originally posted that for how much you gain in a skill between levels you recieve 1/2 that amount of a modifier in that skills base attribute. It helps alot. Oh and I discovered something important for you (whoever found that out), skip to the tips section to see it.
Alchemy - OK, I know how to use it and how to mix things and stuff, but what's with all the different types of tools you can use? I mean, I use a mortar and pestle, but what do alembics, carcinators (or something like that), and one more (can't remember its name) do? Do they do different things or work better than a mortar and pestle? Don't get it...
Enchant - I've been able to trap monsters in their appropriate soul gems, but how do I open the enchant Item interface? Like, I got bunches of crystals but nuttin to do with them, I wanna enchant my helmet so that it casts Fortify Strength but I wanna do it myself, not with the help of that expensive and stupid enchanter. Surely there's a way to do this, otherwise, why would you have the enchant skill? Seems useless to put in the game if the only time you use it is to recharge or use magic items.
Armorer - I know how to use this skill, and repair stuff quite often. I like the way they have it set up only, can you craft Armor and stuff using this skill? It would really rock if you could, although from what I understand the only way you can make custom stuff is to buy it from the store then enchant it (which, once you think about it, isn't really item creation but magic item creation).
*Tips Section*
I found that a good place to raise your Acrobatics skill is in the first town, near the shop where you buy everthing. There is a little raised wooden dock thing that allows you to get to the shop in the middle of town, and if you did not notice, it promptly ends when it reaches the door to the shop on the other side of the building. Since your acrobatics skill increases more and more the higher you jump or jump off of something, this is an ideal place to jump. Just run off the dock-path thing to the shop and take a flying leap just as you hit the edge, and you get some pretty damn good acrobatics gain. You should jump off the side that faces a little stream that feeds into the ocean. The ocean should be to your left, and the bridge to your right (once you've jumped off) that leads over the stream. At 20 acrobatics, it still raises my acro skill 7/100 points every jump I take.
You can get a mod higher than +5, if you want. Just raise and raise your skill until it has been raised 12 points (if it says you should rest and meditate on what you have learned, ignore it and keep raising the skill). Even though you should've rested and gained a lvl, you'll get higher than a +5.
Last tip is good for conjurers wanting to gain a lvl or three really quick. It should work at all levels, but summon a creature you think you can handle pretty easily (if you were to engage in combat with it). Buff yourself, quaff some potions, or do your pre-battle rituals before you summon, because right after you summon immeadiatly attack the summoned creature. It gets you some skills gain as the battle lasts as long as the spell is cast, and if you try really hard you can get quite a bit of gain, actually.
Whew I am a blabber mouth. Later.
Alchemy - OK, I know how to use it and how to mix things and stuff, but what's with all the different types of tools you can use? I mean, I use a mortar and pestle, but what do alembics, carcinators (or something like that), and one more (can't remember its name) do? Do they do different things or work better than a mortar and pestle? Don't get it...
Enchant - I've been able to trap monsters in their appropriate soul gems, but how do I open the enchant Item interface? Like, I got bunches of crystals but nuttin to do with them, I wanna enchant my helmet so that it casts Fortify Strength but I wanna do it myself, not with the help of that expensive and stupid enchanter. Surely there's a way to do this, otherwise, why would you have the enchant skill? Seems useless to put in the game if the only time you use it is to recharge or use magic items.
Armorer - I know how to use this skill, and repair stuff quite often. I like the way they have it set up only, can you craft Armor and stuff using this skill? It would really rock if you could, although from what I understand the only way you can make custom stuff is to buy it from the store then enchant it (which, once you think about it, isn't really item creation but magic item creation).
*Tips Section*
I found that a good place to raise your Acrobatics skill is in the first town, near the shop where you buy everthing. There is a little raised wooden dock thing that allows you to get to the shop in the middle of town, and if you did not notice, it promptly ends when it reaches the door to the shop on the other side of the building. Since your acrobatics skill increases more and more the higher you jump or jump off of something, this is an ideal place to jump. Just run off the dock-path thing to the shop and take a flying leap just as you hit the edge, and you get some pretty damn good acrobatics gain. You should jump off the side that faces a little stream that feeds into the ocean. The ocean should be to your left, and the bridge to your right (once you've jumped off) that leads over the stream. At 20 acrobatics, it still raises my acro skill 7/100 points every jump I take.
You can get a mod higher than +5, if you want. Just raise and raise your skill until it has been raised 12 points (if it says you should rest and meditate on what you have learned, ignore it and keep raising the skill). Even though you should've rested and gained a lvl, you'll get higher than a +5.
Last tip is good for conjurers wanting to gain a lvl or three really quick. It should work at all levels, but summon a creature you think you can handle pretty easily (if you were to engage in combat with it). Buff yourself, quaff some potions, or do your pre-battle rituals before you summon, because right after you summon immeadiatly attack the summoned creature. It gets you some skills gain as the battle lasts as long as the spell is cast, and if you try really hard you can get quite a bit of gain, actually.
Whew I am a blabber mouth. Later.