cat is correct, i was referring to the nasty evil bugger in sola mod, a really great mod, excpet in my case for certain spawn bugs, trivial so far,
and the arch liche is far, far worse than kangy himself....
i mean, hit the first form with mondo damage spells, and use spell immunity and death ward for the skull form, and youre set.
the arch liche came with skelly warriors, and a helper lich and they pulled some seriously nasty moves, like abu dahziming my party....
they also like timestop, abu dahzim...
so i used greater acuity and stacked 6 dragon breaths and that killed almost every one, i think one is an elemental lich, vulnerable to stun effect, but immune to fire...had to whack the survivor hand to hand...
great loot, ring of regen and cloak of baldy...
try this link...this is tashia mod, but in the faqs page is a link to sola, i dont have a direct link to sola in my favs...
best if you start new game, as you can also get tashia mod as well, this is small, around 1 meg, and not sure if compatable with tdd..
its tob fine though...
sola is fun, and tashia rock...serioulsy good mods, both of them...great tactical challenge...