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Can't move...

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 5:23 pm
by Villain
After walking around in some underground area I came across a creature and killed him. I was low on health so I turned around and went back through the door I came from. When i got to the other side my character couldn't move and his strength and endurance were both 0. I tried resting several times and tried letting the game just sit for awhile. Anyone know what is wrong or is this just a bug? Any help will be appricaited, thx.

Posted: Tue May 07, 2002 5:27 pm
by Bitex
Most likely you need a potion or spell scroll to up your strength and endurance again. Consider yourself lost if you don't have any.. As many of the potion dealers will tell you, an adventurer should NEVER go anywhere without at least a few strength/endurance potions and some Divine Intervention scrolls (for teleporting back to the nearest temple/health shrine..see it as a kinda Town Portal scroll if you know the Diablo games)

Why they won't rise by themselves is anyone's would be logical wouldn't it? I haven't been in that situation yet.