HI im going to DM for a small party but i need ideas for adventure/items/evil people in it.
I would prefere it to be set out in a forest
Anyhelp would be apprecateed
New to DMing
New to DMing
I didnt succeed that hide in shadows test did I?
No your back now has about 67 little arrows in it!
No your back now has about 67 little arrows in it!
If it's your first time DMing maybe you'll want to pick up a low level campaign modual, even if you dont use it at least you could borrow the premise or some of the adventures/items/evil people from it.
If you've played RPG's before, feel free to use some of the things that you've seen or experienced from them.
Just remember to keep you imagination open to anything and everything. Even the most clicheique quests can be made interesting ie. Princess has been kidnapped and is being held by an evil wizard or army of orcs or a dragon etc.
If you've played RPG's before, feel free to use some of the things that you've seen or experienced from them.
Just remember to keep you imagination open to anything and everything. Even the most clicheique quests can be made interesting ie. Princess has been kidnapped and is being held by an evil wizard or army of orcs or a dragon etc.
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Hi thanks for the advice im sure we will have fun. The first campains based around a ring that sucks in the wearer and replaces him/her with someone else already trapped in the ring. The idea is to get some powerful sorcereer to distroy it- its a short quest any idea for exp? it would proberly last 3 hours at the max?But has chances of them dieing i thought ! minor magical item at the end?????
I didnt succeed that hide in shadows test did I?
No your back now has about 67 little arrows in it!
No your back now has about 67 little arrows in it!
See now thats a pretty good idea to start with.
XP can be awarded for any number of things, not just killing monsters. If a PC makes a good descision that will later affect the flow of the game, award them. If a PC gains the favor of a powerful NPC (like a King or High Priest), award them.
But dont over do it. The last thing you want is for all of your players to gain 10 levels in the 3 hours of game time.
You should be prepared with a number of NPC's that could come out of the ring, perhaps these NPC's could have side quests associated with their capture or the desruction of the ring or something. Maybe one of these NPC's doesnt want the ring to be destroyed, which can rewrite the adventure altogether.
You're definatly on the right track, keep your mind open to possibilities and simple campaigns can become rather epic.
I think its always good to award PC's with items aswell, it gives them the feeling of character growth.
Have fun, man.
I almost wish I could join.
XP can be awarded for any number of things, not just killing monsters. If a PC makes a good descision that will later affect the flow of the game, award them. If a PC gains the favor of a powerful NPC (like a King or High Priest), award them.
But dont over do it. The last thing you want is for all of your players to gain 10 levels in the 3 hours of game time.
You should be prepared with a number of NPC's that could come out of the ring, perhaps these NPC's could have side quests associated with their capture or the desruction of the ring or something. Maybe one of these NPC's doesnt want the ring to be destroyed, which can rewrite the adventure altogether.
You're definatly on the right track, keep your mind open to possibilities and simple campaigns can become rather epic.
I think its always good to award PC's with items aswell, it gives them the feeling of character growth.
Have fun, man.
I almost wish I could join.
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