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State your good enchantment ideas here!

Posted: Fri May 10, 2002 1:28 pm
by fable
I've seen a few clever enchantment ideas in this topic, and thought we might use this space for further postings. So have at it!

Here's an obvious one: a weapon that casts Paralyze and Drain Willpower at the same time. If you can get the willpower of an enemy low enough, the magical resistance to the paralysis will fade, and you'll have a nice, easy to strike statue standing there.

Posted: Fri May 10, 2002 1:39 pm
by preiter
Enchant all of your armor with heal spells. Obvious, but here's the trick.

Don't enchant a few items with mondo soul gems, enchant a whole bunch of items with crappy soul gems.

You could enchant one piece of armor with some mondo heal spell and 100-200 charges and use it to heal yourself to full after each battle. The drawback is that it will take forever to regenerate its charge.

Rather, enchant 5 items with 30 charges each and smaller heal spells. When you need healing, use one heal off of each item (use hotkeys to make this easy). Now you have 5 items recharging at once.

Posted: Fri May 10, 2002 4:40 pm
by Ylossakram
Enchanter drem ;)

Here's what i made:
Get a nice ring or amu or whateva you wish and enchant it with Soultrap :D you'll only have to think 'bout smithe your foe while your gems keep being full constantly :cool:

Posted: Fri May 10, 2002 10:41 pm
by Tackon D'wall
I've never used enchanting... does it use only the spells u've bought?

Posted: Fri May 10, 2002 11:32 pm
by Biljac
yep. and much to my surprise about 30 minutes ago I learned that you can not gain a skill above the governing stat number. i.e. i had a 50 in int so could not take enchant higher than 50 :( but at the same time being 50 in enchant at level 1 isn't too bad but considering you can only gain a max of 5 points per level, I'll be level 11 before it hits 100.
ok back to subject. I carry rings and amulets only currently with enchantments because of weight factors. and since I generally am using a summoned weapon when I do combat (altho the staff of war is very very nice at low levels) and the reqs to put a decent damage enchant on a weapon or armor are so high, I mainly us the skill for high use spells. have a 25 foot/ 5 second teley, a 5 second invis (hehe don't need more than 5 seconds to steal stuff), recall, a heal, and a 50 point open lock (next one will be 80 or 90 if I can make it). gonna shoot for a shield/santuary next also but there again reqs are high. I find that the 20 to 70 charge items only take 3 hours to recharge. I usually just rest if need be but generally just the time it takes moving about and exploring regens em. clothing makes nice enchant items also if you use the exquisite type. weight 3 stone, easy to get and have higher enchantment slots than most weapons and armor.
the idea of a combination summon weapon/soul trap weapon is a great idea also. I think I saw that on this board somewhere. paralyze, btw , is very heavy on reqs also so be prepared to find a weapon with some slots if you are gonna put it on a weapon.

Posted: Sat May 11, 2002 12:54 am
by Tackon D'wall
Cool, but I hope you don't need alot of INT for a LONG time cause INT is one of the hard abilities to get up and now u're out 50 which mean +5 for 5 levels if you only used that skill. Don't quote me on getting 10 skill points for +5 but I've heard it here and on 2 other boards.

My bad, it's probaly one of u're majors huh? Forgive me for all my problems tonight it's Friday and they must've casted a braintrap on me at the real estate department. VERY high level though cause it's still affecting me. :D :p Well, they could really use better brains then what they have working for them so I wouldn't doubt it for a sec. U'd think people that worked for the state with have decent IQ's but it seems that all the state jobs are filled by rude no brainers. I apologize if you work for u're state and I'll 1/2 way take what I said back... maybe not all states but AZ is horrible about it.

Posted: Sat May 11, 2002 7:12 am
by madmarcos
for people who fight unarmed, enchant gloves with Drain Fatigue to knock someone out faster.
an idea i had is enchant a weapon with calm creature (hit em, he takes damage, then calms down. repeat)
i also have a 20 second levitate item to get to those hard to reach spots.
although i cannot currently make these items, i found a 1hp restore health CONSTANT effect. this equals regeneration. i can stand in the middle of 3 mudcrabs and a cliff racer and let them build up my armor skills all day and never drop below full health for long. :)
NOTE: you can also create scrolls by enchanting paper (1 cast only tho)

Posted: Sat May 11, 2002 9:17 am
by Biljac
int hard to raise?? what?? int is easy to raise. you have conjuration, security and alchemy left for that. alchemy and security are in my major/minor just for that purpose. I don't actually use either but by being in the top 10 if I need to I can always train them for the bonus hit. seeing as they are only like 20 each, that leaves 160 skill points in both / 10=16 times they can be used toward int bonus x 5 = 80 int stat points. hehehe I am already at 55 and this doesnt count conjuration. nah, I'm not going to run out of bonus material :)

Posted: Sat May 11, 2002 1:15 pm
by Shark
My current pet enchantment is a katana with Absorb Health 1-20. Makes you better while your opponent suffer. Works fines, but make sure you have enough charges to last an entire fight. 20 ain't enough.

Posted: Sun May 12, 2002 6:48 am
by Shorty
Hi ALl,
I have a level 31 Ranger with 93 INT and 53 Enchant but I cant for the life of me seem to enchant much at all ?

I have made a soultrap and summon ancestor ghost ring , I made these when I was level 15ish

I have a whole range of soulgems from 200 point cliff racers to 60000 point wilds something or other.

I have been trying to cast on Amulets and clothing with 30 to 160 enchant level but never seem to get it right?

Either I am missing something simple or Im bugged?

Would somone mind talking me through how they made a Recall ring as that is one I have failed alot on.

Also I have a daedric longsword that I would like to add an absorb health on If I do this will my main base stats on the sword disapear? I>E when I use it will it only be hitting with the absorb and not the slash pierce attack ? Any tips on making this weapon would be nice too ;)

Thanks in Advance


Posted: Sun May 12, 2002 6:59 am
Enchanting seems to be quite hard to succeed at - try scaling back the stats on the spell you imbue the item with and see if it succeeds? I have mostly had success with smaller enchantments at my skill level (40).

When enchanting the weapon, choose to make the enchantment "cast when strikes" and it will do what you want.

Posted: Sun May 19, 2002 3:59 am
by UserUnfriendly
still the cheese master...

I still got it....

ripped this off from a post off another site...

still the cheese master, even tho I no have morrowind yet....will soon, as soon as i backup my files and upgrade cid card and reinstall win98...

I have some good news.
I have figured out (or possibly ripped off the idea from another forum) how to make high-powered enchantments successfully.
I think that the defining factor in any enchantment is the Enchantment rating (the number in the very top right).
First off, my Enchant = 100
I enchanted a Daedric sheild with constant +30 str. this used up all 150 Enchant points
In order to do this successfully I had to increase my Intelligence and Luck to 1800 and 344 respectivly.
No that is not a typo.

In order to do this I employed a series of rings and amulets that boosted my attributes by hundreds of points for only a few seconds. I started with extravagant rings/amults which have 60 pts and can be made to provide a 100 pt boost for 3 seconds without much faliure.
It is worth noting that for these enchantments the size of the soul is almost completely irrelevant. They use 1 magic per use at Enchant=100
Eventually I had jewlery that offered an increase or 300 for 3 seconds, 200 for 5 seconds, and 100 for 10 seconds.
The trick was switching out of menu mode activating the ring/amulet and then retuning almost instantly.
Anyway it's not as much of a pain as you might think and I have been able to create a ton of constant effect enchantments an exquisite shirt or pair of pants can hold +12 fortify attribute and an exquisite ring or amulet can hold +24 or (my favorite) a constant 8 levitate, it's slow but it really comes in handy over mountainous terrain.

I also suspect but am unsure about two things. First: if you increase your skill in another school of magic the cost of those effects may drop and Second: it may be more effecient to increase luck and intelligence equally. I have no good reason to think these things, it's just a gut feeling

Posted: Sun May 19, 2002 5:08 am

Why, UserUnfriendly you old dog, good to see you ;)

Interesting ideas you have there, I'm glad to hear you applying yourself to this game.

Posted: Sun May 19, 2002 9:59 pm
by coolguyclay

After wasting a Golden St. for a weapon "cast when strikes" ability (takes FOREVER to recharge, and you strike with a weapon a LOT), my next Golden St. went into a Breastplate that constantly restored 3-4pts of fatigue (all I could fit into the enchantment). Now I can run forever. It's kind of lame, I'll admit, but very useful. Running out of energy when I ran everywhere got a little old.

Here's a fun question, can I DISenchant something? I messed up on a weapon and would like to try again (I don't think I could find another Daedric Battle Axe). Or, should that not work, I'll listen to the console command you tell me to import a new one. I'll re-earn the soul-gem to power it, but my health absorbsion was too high. Thanks.

Posted: Mon May 20, 2002 1:13 am
by Sirius_Sam
Since I've started my new character (an Imperial Assassin), I've tried very hard to keep him using "in-character" items (shortswords, daggers, light armor and the like). I decided he wouldn't be using 'The Sword of White Woe' to perform "sanctions" on the emperor's enemies ;) .

Since I know nothing of enchanting as an assassin, I went to a professional to enchant my best short sword at the time (a steel wakizashi). After agonizing over where I would squander the miniscule amount of enchantment points (4) and the 30-charge petty soulgem I purchased, it made sense that he would make a weapon which allowed him to assassinate a target quickly and efficiently.

I tried to add extra elemental damage, but I couldn't put enough on the sword to make a difference. I tried to create a 'mageslayer' blade with Sound, but it didn't work very well. I tried a number of combinations of Drain effects, but would run out of charges before I really needed the health/magicka/etc. :) .

I finally tried the Calm Humanoid works great ! :D

Really crappy enchantment, but fun:

-Steel Wakizashi-
Enchantment Points used/available = 3/4
Calm Humanoid - Touch (on strike)
Magnitude= 10 min/10 max
Duration = 7 secs.
Area = 19
charge cost per hit = 1 (of 30)
gp cost = 1835 (those with Enchanting skill could easily create)

This sword is very useful for attacking the target quickly while he just stands there and gets killed. The area effect is great if he has bodyguards around him because they won't attack you either. Lastly, it affects groups of guardsmen to allow you to make that fast getaway. I was initially afraid that the magnitude was too low, but it seems to be working out well. Even low-level, low-power items seem to be quite effective :) .


Posted: Mon May 20, 2002 3:27 am
by UserUnfriendly ... o=0&fpart=

got a point there...better than using wands in bg 2...

Posted: Mon May 20, 2002 6:09 am
by Applebrown
I was thinking about starting a page on the GameBanshee Morrowind site that's called "Enchanting Tips", similar to the Baldur's Gate strategy tips. It would include many of these, and whatever else people want to include. That way, we could all have an easy reference. What do you think?

Here's one of mine I made.

Ebony Tower Shield:

"Marathon Mirror"
Used 1 Grand Soul Gem w/ Golden Saint

Constant Effect:
Restore Fatigue 5 pts on Self
Water Breathing on Self

Cost: 28k

Travelling by foot is actually enjoyable and so much faster due to unlimited fatigue. Run is always on and I can swim unlimited underwater.


Posted: Mon May 20, 2002 6:12 am
by Applebrown
By the way, Golden Saints aren't the only ones that allow you Constant Effect. So do Ascended Sleepers :) .

Posted: Mon May 20, 2002 10:15 am
by Loredweller
Soul trapping

Well, something like was posted on the board already, i might add a little detail. I use to create item (amulet or ring) for soul trapping. The difference from spell is it's cast for 80 seconds or more and on area (5-15ft, it depends on soul and item). So, fighting several opponents i'm getting several souls (2-3 most often) for one cast at once.

Posted: Mon May 20, 2002 12:27 pm
by preiter
The calm humanoid effect is a good one, although it's pretty cheesy to not have anything fight back. I like to hit angry people once with it and then talk to them. Usually they only have the basic stuff to say, but some of them are trainers. I also practice speechcraft on them. It's pretty funny to get people up to 100/100 disposition before you kill them.

I was able to enchant a daedric claymore with a 45 pt absorb health spell for only 1 charge per hit. I can kill many enemies in one hit with it.