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What Speechcraft Level to effectively intimidate etc.

Posted: Fri May 10, 2002 3:59 pm
by Greyhawk
Am Dark Elf, suppose that means I am low in personality/speechcraft....what level do you effectively intimidate,
etc??? Am level 15 now, also, after it says "successful intimidate"
what to do next, intimidate again? Doesn't seem to
many successful intimidates etc??? Thanks for the advice..

Posted: Fri May 10, 2002 8:56 pm
I haven't done much intimidation or taunting, only admiring. I think you intimidate people to get them to do something like give you an item, you taunt people to get them to fight. I imagine it would take several successes.

My character has a 59 personality and a 35 or so in speechcraft at present. I can usually flatter shopkeeps, people I'm in guilds with, and some random people. but I still feel far from confident in my speechcraft abilities. It is really nice though, I can get some good deals on stuff at the level I'm at, but to really make things happen I think you need more. BTW personality has a big effect on results, if you can use an item to boost your personality your results will get better.