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Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 1:32 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Inspired by Uncle Scratchy's suggestion of Biffle Chump, I thought it would be a good idea to have a thread devoted to good names for people's player characters. I've always liked Soap on a Rope myself, but my current Archer is called Peregrine and it fits pretty well.

So post all your naming suggestions, silly and serious, here. You'll be making the world a better place. Sort of.

EDIT-Whoops, wrong forum. Could you move this to the SoA forum, @Fable? Ta.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 3:51 am
by Mr Flibble
I can't remember who originally suggested this, but I had one run through the game with a chaotic evil fighter-mage using the Tanarii avatar. He made a big mess of everything.

Called him 'Sugarpuff'. :D

Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 9:37 pm
by Dezarond the Red
My next time through the game im goint to make "Mr. T" with a picture of him and all, its gonna be beautiful!!!! but the name Drake fo' a thief sound good :rolleyes: :D

Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 10:53 pm
by Thorin1
I named my first character for SOA, Job, from the bible story, seeing as he seemed to get screwed over, over and over and over again.

Posted: Thu May 16, 2002 11:02 pm
by Ode to a Grasshopper
A friend of mine has drawn a comic about a character called Zap Freako, I've used that one a few times.

Posted: Fri May 17, 2002 5:40 am
by Ozmo
The first char that I went through the series was a NG Human Fighter called Dalaron. The second one was a CG Elf Assassin called Dalanor. *runs of to get an imagination or two*

Posted: Fri May 17, 2002 1:41 pm
by Robnark
err... i called my character godboy (because that's what i called my most successful fallout character) before i knew about the the whole demigod thang, as i carried him from BG1 :eek:


Posted: Sun May 19, 2002 1:28 pm
by Bloodstalker
I usually name my characters some insulting name, so it sounds like everyone is cursing him when they talk to him. Just makes the reaction more natural when I kill them. :D

Posted: Mon May 20, 2002 12:04 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
Don't forget Plooty Paladin-Piper, Jan's flesh-golem eating cousin. (From a dialogue with Viccy)

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 4:50 am
by Rattman
my character names are

John Norman (thats me)

Rattman (fae a Stephen King book)

Malachai (fae another Stephen king book)

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 5:14 am
by Stilgar
I always use names from the Dune-novels.

And some others

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 1:17 pm
by Robnark
@rattman: good god, someone else uses malachi as a character name. admittedly, i got the name from a slightly different source, but it's a damn fine name nonetheless.

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 11:32 pm
by Chanak
My Contribution

Here are some thoughts, most on the fly, some created beforehand:

Valderran (my first paladin BG2 PC)

Lathandil (to me, an elven name)

Lijena (my IWD half-elven cleric/ranger)

Karrak (another IWD character, a fighter)

Xavithaxx (just a cool sounding name I made up years ago for AD&D. I can't remember if I saw it somewhere or not. I feel old)

Rackenthwacks (I dunno, just sounds catchy)

Thokken-bops (half-orc?)

Thooka Shufflecups (a halfling con-artist, perhaps)

Veringa Vertigo (a daring chaotic neutral mage/thief, yes?)

Habadacker (hmmm...that's one of things I think the military units say in Age of Empires)

Mermuk (ok, another lift from Age of Empires, sorry)

Crucifor (sounds like a bloodthirsty fighter)

Harl Nittergar (ok, either a northern barbarian, or a surly dwarf)

Samensis Kaa (a nice mage name, really)

Ok, that's it. I could go on and on. ;)

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 12:39 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
The three wise men(called, in some biblical versions, the magi) of the biblical tale of Jesus's birth were called Caspar(too much like a certain stupid ghost), Balthazzar(Taken already by a fairly important NPC), and (this is the real gem) Melchior.

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 1:27 am
by kopywrite
@ Stilgar;

I knew I'd seen 'Stilgar' somewhere before...was it you who used to have one of the house insignias from 'Emperor; Battle for Dune' as your avatar? Or are my wires crossed?

@ Chanak;

'Thokken bops' sounds like an illegal dance from the US in the '50s :D

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 1:38 am
by Ode to a Grasshopper
That's where Stil got it from, Dune is an excellent book after all.

And his avatar used to be the insignia of House Ordos. (I won a microwave for guessing that ;) ).

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 2:08 am
by Stilgar
Originally posted by kopywrite
@ Stilgar;

I knew I'd seen 'Stilgar' somewhere before...was it you who used to have one of the house insignias from 'Emperor; Battle for Dune' as your avatar? Or are my wires crossed?

@ Chanak;

'Thokken bops' sounds like an illegal dance from the US in the '50s :D
Like mr. Morrison already said, yes that was me!

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 2:11 am
by kopywrite
Ahh, I see. Stilgar, if you don't mind me asking, what the HELL is that in your new avatar? An illustration from dentistry for sadists?

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 2:53 am
by Stilgar
Originally posted by kopywrite
Ahh, I see. Stilgar, if you don't mind me asking, what the HELL is that in your new avatar? An illustration from dentistry for sadists?
No, it's Stilgar in a Stilsuit!!!!
It's taken from the Dune-mini-series

Posted: Thu May 23, 2002 7:50 pm
by Chanak

Let's not forget Maud'Dib - great name. Being the galactic messiah can be tough, especially when there are thousands of fanatically loyal holy warriors lopping off heads in your name, and you really wish they would just cut it out. :)

Ok, more names:

Theldelsia P. Prigglehoffer (ummm...Uncle Spanky's favorite half-gnome half-sister's cook, known for making bifflechips from Biffle Chump?)

Thukwuk Glagbreath (orcish warrior infamous for making a sport out of hurling helpless halflings headlong into heaping hills of hill giant goo?)

Calladin (my IWD mage)

Althagar (my IWD paladin)

Reeno the Thrice-Removed (a rather disgruntled gnome illusionist, who once happened to stumble upon Reeno the Twice-Removed while buying biffleberries from a rather shady fellow in Kruntz, who was known only by the initials "R.O.R")

Valerion (my BG2 fighter)

Mr. Clean (that hulking, bald-headed guy found in the default SoA character portraits)

I'll round it off with some names for your discerning thief (or bard):

Mok son of Ok (alright, alright, a half-orc thief, then); Fallonduff the Swift; Sneakius Freakius III; Blendathil the Bland (a bard who earned a place in the annals of history for inventing a dance called "The Rotten Tomato"); Lollagon Cornubiel; Lightfoot; Thrag the Wag; and at last - and my personal favorite, by the way - Dreg Wallump the Bifflechomper, dwarven fighter/thief extraordinnaire. :)