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Posted: Sat May 18, 2002 8:48 am
by nba_brown
can someone please describe wut advantages a vampire gets?
and how to become one?

can you also bite people?

thanx in advance

Posted: Sat May 18, 2002 3:05 pm
by T'lainya
THe advantages are increases in some stats and skills, as well as resistance and immunity to some diseases, normal weapons etc. They take damage in sunlight and most people won't talk to you if you become one. The way to become one is to get bitten and survive it. You can kill people as a vampire, and I believe you can bite people for food.

Posted: Sat May 18, 2002 5:48 pm
by Hippy Lettuce
The cool thing about it, is after doing the Vampire quests, you do have a chance to cure the vampirism. Unless you have just gone out and killed everybody wantonly, there will be no hit to your reputation, and you will be able to finish the main quest...

Posted: Sun May 19, 2002 7:08 am
by Leviathan
is it possible to finish the main quest as a vampire?