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My idiot problem...

Posted: Sat May 18, 2002 2:02 pm
by Khar'Mash
All right,

I've been playing for a bit now, and to get the most out of the game I decided not to check for any info on the 'net, but just play the game.

I'm a level 15 Dark Elf Assassin, and since finding the Morag Tong headquarters on your own can be -quite- difficult, I've only recently joined them, up until now I've been in the Thieve's Guild, anyways, my problem is that with those writs I get, when I present them to a guard, he STILL takes all my stolen items, which means I have to go and pay the Thief guildmaster a load of money every time I assassinate someone, because I'm not interested in losing my semi-full suit of glass armor (all those guys in the Fighter's Guild can live without it I'm sure, it's probably AR 3 to them anyways).

I don't think it was intended that Guards should take away your stolen equipment if you presented them with a writ, but it was probably a detail easy to overlook. Thinking in real-life terms, noone would search you if you had papers with such a powerful authorization.

Does anyone know how to get around this? Or maybe point me to a suit of glass armor I can loot somewhere, rather than steal? I sure don't have enough monetos to pay for one. (This game's currency is incredibly flawed by the way).

Thanks dér! :)

Posted: Sat May 18, 2002 2:17 pm
by Chris Boney
As a rule of the thumb, never even steal a potato from a monster, unless you kill it first! Stolen means stolen forever, even if that means, that you stole the princess from the dragon, instead of "common sense" rescuing her. But when you kill the owner, all his items, which belonged to him, are now free of ownership and you can take them.


Posted: Sat May 18, 2002 2:41 pm
by Khar'Mash
I didn't pickpocket this equipment, I "borrowed" it from the dliuG s'rethgiF (Read it backwards, spoiler). I don't feel like ganking the head of the Fighter's Guild in Balmora. I'm thinking of downloading an NPC with insane amounts of money which I could then sell it to and buy it back from (This would probably "unsteal" it). It would of course be a lot easier to go out and aquire a glass suit elsewhere, problem is I don't know where to find it.

Posted: Sat May 18, 2002 2:53 pm
by Chris Boney
Unfortunately the selling and buying back thing won't work. This may well be also a warning: If you ever sell a stolen item to a shopkeeper, who has exactly the same item in unlimited stock (ie. petty soul gems in the shop in Tre Boruche (sp?) (very east of Vivec on the coast), then ALL petty gems you buy there will be marked as stolen for THE REST OF THE GAME!!! Even if you buy the entire shopkeeper up so he is left empty, drop all the stuff somewhere, and wait till next day when he receives new supplies, and then buy a item of this type, it will be marked as stolen..

:mad: :confused: :(