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Some interesting ideas...sorcery???

Posted: Sun May 19, 2002 11:39 am
by UserUnfriendly
Here are some interesting powergaming ideas....

the User??? into powergaming??perish the thought!!!! he only does roleplaying, right???

No, thats Littiz!!!!

anyway, in the origianl dagger fall, still have my copy, do you???

the sorc is the class that can have the most mana, but could not regain mana by resting, thus you are like a charge battery, and you need to battle magic casting creatures to recharge....making them require quite a bit of skill to use....

but it looks like item maker is been seriously upgraded in mw, so it can now do constat effect items...leading to this possible abuse...


if the sorc is still supreme spell slinger, hold on until you get enough gold and grand soul gem with golden saint and create a ring or item (pls advise) thru mage guild item maker that recharges mana!!!!!!!

adventure some more, and make all your clothing and main rings, amulets and such recharge mana and health....

you should be able to get BETTER mana regen than a troop of battle mages, hold MORE mana than those same battle mages, and be almost unkillable....

ring of gaxx, anyone???

also, is sunfire like spell effects possible thur spell maker???

a high buff sorc should be able to take out most small dungeons just by going in, and activating mondo sunfire blast....

clod fire and lightning fire should be doable...

and while spell triggers are not possible, auto fire should be, a spell that throws constant stream of fireballs until mana is gone...

or for that matter,a submachine gun (item) sure it will drain itself after 1 burst, but hey, is anyone left alive in a shape to comment afterwards???

finally, how big a damage spell can you put in spell maker???

i really want the


a fireball spell big enough to kill an entire town at one all consuming blast....

sure, no mana left, but a horde of cliff ravers(?) will be charcoal....

anyway, getting the game soon, need to upgrave vid card...loooks like after checkin some posts my processor and mem size is adequate,and ahve already collected some tips on lowering graphics processing for smoother game play...

:eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: Sun May 19, 2002 5:59 pm
by UserUnfriendly

naturally, tis sorc would be fighter mage type, with huge meelee and spell caster.....

bun bun is reborn!!!