where is best place to sell soul gems??
where is best place to sell soul gems??
no body seems to have money to buy the good ones and i need the money for spells any ideas thanks
well..........kinda I noticed that some guildmembers actually all retain the cash you give them from training. I actually trained with the smith in Balmora to the point of giving him roughly 2500 in septims, plus the 2000 he starts with, so altogether 4500. Then I was able to sell him an ebony shortsword worth about 6500 for a bartered 4500. Basically I got to sell some inventory and got some skills up at the same time. This method will fail you if you wait too long to sell and they "cycle" back to their original float of 2000septims or whatever float they had. Only problem is you need cash to spend cash, it obviously wont work on 60K gems but would work well on common soul gems.