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code book from sottilde and key from trandel need help

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 10:08 am
by camas
sottilde will not give me the code book even with 100 in persuasion and sovor trandel will not even talk about key. do i have to kill him and the other 3 all at one time? if yes what level should i be to try it. thanks

Posted: Wed May 22, 2002 1:08 pm
by Drokk
Sottilde game me the book after I threw a few hundred gold her way. If you dont have high persuasion, then bribery is your best friend.

The key is best pickpocketed if you don't want to get into any trouble. Of course if you also have the quest to kill the Cammona Tong, just pick it off his corpse after he is dead.